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132 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Boors RECEIVED Adams, Robert P., The Better Part of Valor: More, Erasmus, Colet and Vives on Humanism, War, and Peace, 1496-1535. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1962. Pp. 363. $7.00. Anderson, Fulton H., Francis Bacon: His Career and His Thought. Los Angeles, Calif., University of Southern California Press, 1962. (Distributed by University Publishers Inc., New York.) Pp. vi + 367. -- The Arensberg Lectures. Edited by W. H. Werkmeister. Second Series. $7.50. Aristotle, On Interpretation. Commentary by St. Thomas and Cajetan (Peri Hermenias). Trans. from the Latin, with an Introduction by Jean T. Oesterle. Milwaukee, Wis., Marquette University Press, 1962. Pp. xiii + 271. -- Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation, No. 11. $6.50. Armstrong, D. M., Berkeley's Theory of Vision. ,4 Critical Examination o[ Bishop Berkeley's Essay Towards a New Theory o] Vision. Melbourne University Press; New York, Cambridge University Press, 1960. Pp. viii + 106. $4.50. St. Augustine, The Political Writings. Ed., with an Introduction, by Henry Paolucci, Including an Interpretative Analysis by Dino Bigongiari. Chicago , Henry Regnery Co., 1962. Pp. xxvi + 358. = Gateway Edition, No. 6O70. $1.95. Balet, Leo, Rembrandt and Spinoza. New York, Philosophical Library, 1962. Pp. x + 222. $4.50. Berti, Enrico, La filosofia del primo ,4ristotele. Padova, Cedam-Casa editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1962. Pp. 590. ~ Universit~t di Padova. Publicazioni della Facolth di Lettere e Filosofia. Vol. XXXVIII. L. 6000. Bird, Graham, Kant's Theory of Knowledge. ,4n Outline of One Central ,4rgument in the Critique of Pure Reason. New York, The Humanities Press, 1962. Pp. x + 210. = International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method (6). $5.50. Boas, George, Rationalism in Greek Philosophy. Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins Press, 1961. Pp. xii (iv) + 488. $7.50. Boeder, Heribert, Grund und Gegenwart als Frageziel der Friihgriechischen Philosophie. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1962. Pp. ix + 235. Gld. 21.50. Bosco, Nynfa, La filosofia pragmatica di Charles S. Peirce. Torino, Edizioni di "Filosofia," 1962. Pp. vii + 303. L. 3000. Boyd, William, ,4n Introduction to the Republic of Plato. New (rev.) ed. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1962. Pp. 115. 15s. Broome, J. H., Rousseau: ,4 Story of His Thought. New York, Barnes and Noble, 1963. Pp. viii + 231. $5.00. Brumbaugh, Robert S., Plato on the One. The Hypotheses in the Parmenides . New Haven, Yale University Press, 1961. Pp. xv + 364. $6.50. BOOK REVIEWS 133 Brun, Jean, Platon et l'Academie. (Nouvelle 6d. revue.) Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1963. Pp. 128. = Coll. "Que sais-je?," No. 880. Fr. 2.50. Buchanan, Emerson, Aristotle's Theory oT Being. Cambridge, Mass.; University , Mississippi, 1962. (Distributed by Miss Dorothy Rounds, P.O. Box 144, Cambridge, Mass.) Pp. v + 64. -- Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Monographs. No. 2. $2.50. Burgelin, Pierre, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la religion de Gen~ve. Genbve, Labor et Fides, 1962. Pp. 60. Callot, Emile, Ambigu'itds et antinomies de l'histoire et de sa philosophie. Preface de Fernand Braudel. Paris, Marcel Rivibre, 1962. Pp. 392. = Bibliothbque philosophique. Paper. Ft. 20. , Propos sur Jules Lequier, philosophe de la libertd. R6flexions sur sa vie et sur sa pens6e. Paris, Marcel Rivibre, 1962. Pp. 142, (1). -- Bibliothbque philosophique. Campanale, Domenico, Filosofia ed Etica nel pensiero di G. E. Moore. Bari, Adriatica, 1962. Pp. 231. = Pubblicazioni dell' Instituto di Filosofia, Universit ~ di Bari, 5. Campanella, T., De homine. Testo critico latino (inedito) e traduzione (italiana) a cura di R. Amerio. Roma, Centro Intern. di Studi Umanistici, 1960-61. (Thomae Campanellae Theologicorum Liber IV.) 2 vol. = Edizione Nazionale dei Classici del Pensiero Italiano, Serie II, Vol. 13-14. L. 10.000. Cavailles, Jean, Philosophie mathematique. Pr6face par Raymond Aron. Introduction par Roger Martin. Paris, Hermann, 1962. Pp. 276. = Coll. "Histoire de la Pens6e," 6. Fr. 18. Cesa, Claudio, II giovane Feuerbach. Bari, Editori Laterza, 1963. Pp. 302. -- Biblioteca di cultura moderna, 576. L. 2000. Cochrane, Eric W., Tradition and Enlightenment in the Tuscan Academies, 1690-1800. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. xxii + 268, map. $6.00. Colodny, Robert G., ed., Frontiers of Science and Philosophy: Carl G. Hempel , Wilfrid Sellars, Michael Scriven, Ernst Caspari, Adolf Griinbaum, P. K. Feyerabend. Pittsburgh, Pa., University of Pittsburgh Press, 1962. Pp. vii + 288. $7...

