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138 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY thought), and its enduring influence upon modern philosophy briefly analyzed. Professor Werner concludes his book with these words: La philosophie de l'avenir sera ce qu'avait r6v~ le g~nie de Leibniz: la synthbse de la pence grecque et de la pensde moderne.... Rien n'est plus utile, rien n'est plus n6cessaire pour le philosophe qu'une m~ditation de la philosophie grecque. Par l'esprit gfin~ral dont elle rut anita,-e, par ses th('ories les plus essentielles, cette philosophie demeure comme une partie int~grante de la philosophie 6ternelle (p. 250). Hume, David, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and Other Essays. Ed. with Introduction by Ernest C. Mossner. New York, Washington Square Press, 1963. Pp. xxiv + 376. $0.60. This collection contains not only the Enquiry, but also twelve of Hume's essays in various fields ("The Sceptic," "Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature," "A Dialogue," "Of National Characters," "Of Some Remarkable Customs," "Of the Liberty of the Press," "O[ the Delicacy of Taste and Passion," "Of Tragedy," "Of the Standard of Taste," "Of Money," "Of Taxes," and "Of the Jealousy of Trade"), plus The Natural History of Religion, brief excerpts from The History o] England, four letters and "My Own Life." The texts used in this collection are taken from the most reliable and authoritative eighteenth-century editions of Hume's writings. Popkin, Richard H., The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes. (Revised ed.) Assen, The Netherlands, Van Gorcum; New York, Humanities Press, 1964. Pp. xvii + 240. $8.00. The new edition of this work, first published in 1960, is slightly enlarged with some additional material and bibliography (principally relating to Francisco Sanches and Montaigne), and revisions and corrections have been made in the text. Wheelwright, Philip, Heraclitus. New York, Athenaeum #60, 1964. Pp. 181. $1.25. This is a paperback edition of a work published originally in 1959. Wheelwright presents the fragments, plus extensive commentary, discussion and interpretation of the material and of the literature about Heraclitus. There are four appendices, including a very extensive bibliography of source material and the secondary literature (pp. 159-172). BooKs RECEIVED Rostenne, Paul, Dieu et Cdsar. Philosophie de la civilisation occidentale. Louvain, Nauwelaerts .... 1962. Pp. 211 [1]. bFr 160. Roth, Robert J., s.J., John Dewey and self-realization. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., PrenticeHall , 1962. Pp. vii "Jr"152. Sahakian, William S., Systems of Ethics and Value Theory. New York, Philosophical Library, 1963. Pp. xx q- 448. $6.00. Sartre, Jean-Paul, Essays in aesthetics. Selected and trans, by Wade Baskin. New York, Philosophical Library, 1963. Pp. 94. $3.75. , Existential Psychoanalysis. Trans. by Hazel E. Barnes. Introduction by Rollo May. Chicago, Henry Regnery Co., 1962. Pp. ii + 210. ----A Gateway Edition, 6068. $1.45. Schlesinger, G., Method in the Physical Science. New York, Humanities Press, 1963. Pp. vii ยง 140. ~ International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method (13). $4.50. BOOK REVIEWS 139 Schopenhauer, Arthur, The Essential Schopenhauer. London, Allen and Unwin; New York, Barnes and Noble, 1962. Pp. 199. = Unwin Books, U-511. $1.25. Sciacca, Michele Federico, Dialogo con Maurizio Blondel. Milano, Marzorati, 1962. Pp. 159. ----[Sciacca's] Opere Complete, 16. L. 1300. , Pascal. Quinta ed. riv. e aumentata. Ibid., 1962. Pp. 250 = [Sciacca's] Opere Complete , 15. L. 2000. Semerari, Giuseppe, Da Schelling a Merleau-Ponty. Studi sulla filosofia contemporanea. [Bologna], Cappelli Editore [1962]. Pp. 422. = Biblioteca di cultura filosofica, 20. L. 2800. Shaftesbury, Del soliloqio o consejos al escritor. Traducci6n, Delia A. Sampietro. La Plata, Instituto de Filosofia, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 1962. Pp. 163. Sharma, Chandradhar, Indian Philosophy: .4 Critical Survey. New York, Barnes and Noble, 1962. Pp. x + 405. : University Paperbacks, UP-40. $2.25; in Canada $2.50. Sidg-wick, Henry, The Methods o/ Ethics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1962. Reissue of 7th ed., 1907. Pp. xxxvi + 528. $5.00. Spinoza: Dreihundert ]ahre Ewigkeit. Spinoza-Festschrift 1632-1932. 2nd enlarged ed. Ed. Siegfried Hessing. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. Pp. lxii + 205. Gld. 25.--; $6.95. Thibon, Gustave, Nietzsche ou le declin de l'esprit. Lyon, Lardanchet [on cover: Fayard], 1948. Pp. xi + [1] 14-321, [1]. Fr. 8.74...

