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280 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Theodore de Bary, Edwin A. Burtt, Herbert W. Schneider, Marguerite Block, Max Arzt, Charles Frankel, and Ernest Nagel. Peter Rohde, S~ren Kierkegaard. An Introduction to His IAfe and Philosophy. Trans. with Foreword by Alan Moray Williams. New York : Humanities Press, 1963. 164 pp. $.500. "A popular account of the life and works of SCren Kierkegaard." Of special interest and value are the substantial quotations from Kierkegaard's journal and letters. The appended "small Kierkegaard glossary" is also useful for the definition of his use of such terms as "the system," "objectivitiy," "subjectivity," "truth," "stages, .... synthesis," "Angst," etc. --H. W.S. BOOKS RECEIVED Allen, R. E., ed., Studies in Plato's Metaphysics. New York, The Humanities Press [1965]. xii + 452 pp. = International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method. $11.50. Anderson, James F., St. Augustine and Being. A Metaphysical Essay. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.vii, [if + 76 pp. Gld. $9.90. Aquinas, St. Thomas, Selected Writings: The Principles of Nature--On Being and Essence-On the Virtues in General---On Free Choice. Trans., with Introduction and notes, by Robert P. Goodwin. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1965J.xxi + 162 pp. = The Library of Liberal Arts, 217.Paper $1.45. Aquino, Tommasu d', De Magistro. Introduzione, traduzione e commento di Tullio Gregory. Roma, Armando Armando, Editore, 1965. 181 pp. L. I~800. Bahm, Archie J., ed., Directory of American Philosophies, III, 1966-1967. Edited and published by Archie J. Bahm, Albuquerque, New Mexico [1966]. 514 pp. $12.50. (Vol. III has been extended to seventeen parts, including data on fellowships, employment opportunities, and an index of colleges.) Ballard, Edward G., Socratic Ignorance: An Essay on Platonic Self-Knowledge. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff ,, [iv] + 189 pp. Gld. 24.30. Bambrough, Renford, ed., New Essays on Plato and Aristotle, by G.E.M. Anscombe, Renford Bambrough, G.E.L. Owen, et al. New York, Humanities Press [1965]. viii + 176 pp. =International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method. $5.50. Barrett, Cyril, S~I., ed., Collected Papers on Aesthetics. New York, Barnes & Noble [1966]. xvi % 198 pp. $5.00. Barry, Brian, Political Argument. New York, Humanities Press [1965]. xviii + 364 pp. = International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method. $8.00. Bayle, Pierre, Historical and Critical Dictionary. Selections. Trans., with Introduction and notes, by Richard H. Popkin. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1965]. xliv + 456 pp. -The Library of Liberal Arts, 175.Paper $325. Beck, Lewis White, Studies in the Philosophy of Kant. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1965. viii + 242 pp. -- Essay and Monograph Series. $6.50. , ed., Eighteenth-Century Philosophy. Introduction by Lewis White Beck. New York, The Free Press [1966]. vi + 321 pp. = Readings in the History of Philosophy. Paper $2.45. Bolingbroke, Viscount (Henry St. John), The Idea o] a Patriot King. Ed., with Introduction, by Sydney W. Jackman. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1965]. xxvii + 102 pp. --- The Library of Liberal Arts, 195.Paper $I.25. Bracken, Harry M., The Early Reception of Berkeley's Immaterialism, 1710-1738. Rev. ed. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.xiv + 130 pp. -: International Archives of the History of Ideas, 10. Gld. 18.90. Brfihier, Emile, The History of Philosophy. III: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Trans. by Wade Baskin. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press [1965]. 272 pp. {Originally published in 1931 as Hi~toire de la philosophie: L'Antiquitg et le Moyen Age. III: Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, by Presses Universitaires de France. The present bibliography has been revised and enlarged to include recent publications supplied by the translator and Joseph Betz.) $6.75. Bribre, O., s.J., Fifty Years of Chinese Philosophy, 1898-1948. Trans. from the French by Laurence G. Thompson. Ed., with Introduction, by Dennis J. Doolin. New York, Frederick A. Praeger [1965]. x + 159 pp. ----Books that Matter. $5.00. Broome, J. H., Pascal. New York, Barnes and Noble, Inc., [1965~. vii [iii] 2- 250 pp. $6.00. Brown, K. C., ed., Hobbes Studies, by Leo Strauss, A. E. Taylor, Stuart M. Brown, Jr., et al. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1965. xi, [iv] + 300 pp. $6.75. Buber, Martin, The Knowledge of Man. Selected Essays. Ed. with Introduction by Maurice Friedman. Trans...

