In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOK REVIEWS 313 BOOKS RECEIVED Archiv ]fir Geschichte der Philosophie, IIL:3 (1966). This number of the Archiv contains the following articles" "Der historische Ursprung des Kausalprinzips," by Joachim Klowski; "Neues Licht auf Parmenides," by Philip Merlan; "Zur Bedeutung des aristotelischen Daseinsbegriffs fiir die Weiterfiihrung des durch Descartes begriindeten Immanentismus," by Winfried Weier; and "Bolzano und Brentano," by Samuel Hugo Bergman. Also included is a short argument by Ingemar Diiring entitled "Did Aristotle ever accept Plato's Theory of Transcendant Ideas?" Aristote, Physique et Metaphysique. Selected and trans, from the Greek by Sonia and Maurice Dayan. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966. Pp. 190 [ii]. -- "Les Grands Textes" Bibliotheque classique de Philosophie. Paper, F. 7.Bayle , Pierre, Historical and Critical Dictionary (Selections). Trans., with an Introduction and Notes, by Richard H. Popkin, with the assistance of Craig Brush. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1965. Pp. xliv + 456. - The Library of Liberal Arts, 175. (Originally published in 1697.) Paper, $3.25. Beardsley, Monroe C. and Herbert M. Schueller, Aesthetic Inquiry: Essays on Art Criticism and the Philosophy of Art. Belmont, California: The Dickenson Publishing Company, 1967. Pp. viii + 305. (This is a selection of essays, all of which have been previously published in the Journal oJ Aesthetics and Art Criticism.) Belaval, Yvon, Philosophers and Their Language. Trans. from the French by Norbert Guterman . Athens: Ohio University Press, 1967. Pp. ix + 147. (This is the first English trans, of Les Philosophes et Leur Langage, published by Gallimard in 1952.) $4.00. Br~hier, Emile, The History o] Philosophy: The Seventeenth Century. Trans. from the French by Wade Baskin. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1966. Pp. [vi] + 313. (This is a trans, of the work first published under the title of Histoire de la Philosophie: La Philosophie moderne. I: Le dix-septi~me si~cle by Presses Universitaires de France in 1938.) $8~50. Brunius, Teddy, Inspiration and Katharsis: The Interpretation of Aristotle's The Poetics VI 1449 b 26. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1966. Pp. 88. = Laokoon: Swedish Studies in Aesthetics, 3. Paper, Sw. kr. 25 :-. Campenelia, Thommaso, I Sacri Segni (De Sacramentis: De Sacramento Eucharistiae, Theologicorum liber XXIV. Parte II). Trans. from the Latin by A. Amedio. Roma: Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 1966. Pp. 171. -- Edizione Nazionale dei Classici del Pensiero Italiano, Serie II: No. 21. L. 5.000. Carnap, Rudolf, The Logical Structure oj the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy. Trans. from the German by Rolf A. George. With the author's Preface to the second edition, Bibliography 1961, Preface to the first edition, and the translator's Preface. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Pp. xxvi + 364. (This is the first English trans, of Der Logische AuJbau der Welt which was originally published in 1928 by Felix Meiner; the article "Pseudoproblems in Philosophy" was also published in 1928.) $8.50. Clinchy, Russell J., An A~,wer ]or Agnostics: A Definitive Answer to the Contemporary Question--"Is God Dead? . Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1966. Pp. 173. $3.95. Copleston, Frederick, SJ., A History o] Philosophy, Vol. VIII: Bentham to Russell. Westminster , Md. : The Newman Press, 1966. Pp. xiii + 577. $8.50. de Laguna, Grace A., On Existence and the Human World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966. Pp. x [i] + 267. $6.50. Dryer, D. P., Kant's Solution jot Verification in Metaphysics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966. Pp. 530. $10.00. Eames, S. Morris, The Philosophy o] Alexander Campbell. Foreword by Perry E. Gresham. With a bibliography of Campbell's writings by Claude E. Spencer. Bethany, West Virginia: Bethany College, 1966. Pp. 110. -- A Bethany College Benedum Foundation Regional American Studies Publication. $3.00. Easton, Loyd D., Hegel's First American Followers. The Ohio Hegelians: J. B. Stallo, Peter Kaufmann, Moncure Conway, August Willich. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1967. Pp. ix + 353. $8.00. Emmet, E. R., Handbook o] Logic. New York: Philosophical Library, 1966. Pp. x + 236. Farber, Marvin, The Aims o] Phenomenology: The Motives, Methods, and Impact of Husserl's Thought. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Pp. x + 240 + 6. -- Harper Torchbooks, The Academy Library, TB 1291. Paper, $2.25. Fleischer, Margot, ed., Edmund Husserl: Analysen zur Passiven Synthesis aus Vorlesungsund Forschungs-Manuskripten 1918...

