In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOK REVIEWS 481 BOOKS RECEIVED First Editions Afnan, Ruhi. Zoroaster"s Influence on Anaxagoras, the Greek Tragedians, and Socrates. New York: Philosophical Library, 1969. Pp. 161. $5. Ansart, Pierre. Saint-Simon. SUP "Philosophes." Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1969. Pp. 121 Iv]. Paper, F 7. Berndtson, Arthur. Art Expression and Beauty. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. Pp. xii+305. $6.95. Boyanc6, Pierre. l~picure. SUP "Philosophes." Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1969. Pp. 104 [ii]. Paper, F 7. Carnochan, W. B. Lemuel Gulliver's Mirror/or Man. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1968. Pp. viii [ii]+226. $6.95. Casini, Paolo. L'universo-macchina: Origini della filosofia newtoniana. Biblioteca di cultura moderna. Bad: Eclitori Laterza, 1969. Pp. 307 [ii]. Paper, L 2,800. Clavelin, M. La philosophie naturelle de Galilee. Philosophies pour l'~ge de la science. Paris: Armand Colin, 1968. Pp. 504. Paper, n.p. Cordemoy, Gerauld de. tEuvres Philosophiques. Ed., with a bio-bibliographical study, Pierre Clair and Frangois Girbal. Le mouvement des id6es au xvn~ sidle. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968. Pp. Iv] 384. Paper, n.p. Creation: The Impact of an Idea. Eds. Daniel O'Connor and Francis Oaldey. Scribner Source Books in Religion Series. New York: Charles Scdbner's Sons, 1969. Pp. Ix] 262. Paper, $3.95. Fourteen essays on the idea of Creation, under the headings Nature, Man, Society. Contributors include Michael Foster, Emil Bruuner, Etienne Gilson, and Hans Jonas. Curd, Merle. Human Nature in American Historical Thought. The Paul Anthony Brick Lectures, Seventh Series. Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, 1969. Pp. ix+ll7 [i]. $2.50. Del Torre, Maria Assunta. Studi su Cesare Cremonini: Cosmologia e logicanel tardo AristotellsmoPadovano. Padua: EAitricrAntenore, 1968. Pp. 150. Paper, L 2,300. Dnnn, John. The PoliticalThought of John Locke: An Historical Account of the Argument of the "Two Treatisesof Government." New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969. Pp. xiii[i]+290. $I0. Dupr~l, Eugene. Similitude et D~passement. Universit~ libre de BruxeIles: Travaux de la Facult~ de Philosophie et LettresXXXVIII. BruxelIes: Presses Universitaires de BruxelIes,1968. Pp. 152 [i].FB 270. Published concurrently by PressesUniversitairesde France, Paris.F 27. Eckstein, Jerome. The PlatonicMethod: An Interpretationof the Dramatic-Philosophic Aspects of the Meno. Hew York: Greenwood Publishing Corp., 1968. Pp. 133. Paper, $3.75. The End o/Ideology Debate. Ed. and intro. Chiam I. Waxman. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1969.Pp. ix+397. $7.95. A collectionof essays containing contributions by Karl Mannheim, Raymond Aron, Edward Shils, Lewis S. Feuer, Seymour Martin Lipset, Daniel Bell, Irving Kristol, Denni~ H. Wrong, C. Wrisht Mills, Kenneth K. Krough, Irving Louis 482 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Horowitz, Robert A. Haber, Stephen W. Rousseas and James Farganis, Henry David Aiken, Raymond E. Ries, William Delany, Joseph LaPalombara, Michael Harrington, Steven Kehnan, Donald Clark Hodges, and Michael Novak. Escat, G~rard. Bacon. SUP "philosol~aes." Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968. Pp. 127. Paper, F 7. Essays on Frege. Ed. E. D. Klemke. Urbana: Univ. of Ill. Press, 1968. Pp. xiii+586. $10. Contributions by Rulon S. Wells, Gustav Bergmann, E. D. Klemke, Howard Jackson, Reinhardt Grossmann, Charles E. Caton, M. S. Gram, Paul D. Wienpahl, Richard Rudner, Max Black, William Marshall, Michael Dummett, Peter T. Geach, John R. Searle, G. E. M. Amcombe, Milton Fisk, James Bartlett, Bertrand Russell H. R. Smart, and W. V. Quine. Also included are three essays by Frege: "The Thought: A Logical Inquiry," "Compound Thoughts," and "'On the Foundations of Geometry," and a selected bibliography. Most of the contributions have been previously published. Ferrier, Francis. William Chalmers 1596-1678: l~tude bio-bibliographique avec des textes in~dits. Le mouvement des id6es au xvn~ si~cle. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968. Pp. [iv] 196. Paper, n.p. Filosofia, XIX, Sup. al N. IV (Nov., 1968). Turin: Edizioni di "Filosofia." Pp. 117. Filosofia, XX:I (Jan., 1969). Turin: Edizioni di "Filosofia." Pp. 184. Grene, Marjorie. Approaches to a Philosophical Biology. New York: Basic Books, 1969. Pp. [vii] 295. $6.95. Gulley, Norman. The Philosophy of Socrates. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1968. Pp. ix+222. $8.50. Hadot, Pierre. Porphyre et Victorinus. Vol. I: Porphyre et Victorinus; Vol. II: Textes. Paris: l~tudes...

