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578 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY from Calarco's book that little has been written on either Shakespearean or Greek tragedy. Calarco needs redemption to flU out his thesis and so redemption it is. What Calarco has to say about plays written under the influence of Hegelianism and the "new" approach to history does, however, make a good deal of sense. But when Calarco intimates that a new type of drama like Genet's The Screens has become possible only because modern man is ready to give up the vision of an intelligible universe because "modern science has already reached what Nietzsche prophetically called 'those outer limits where the optimism implicit in its logic must collapse,' " he is on shakier ground. The cosmology which we have inherited from modem science and "modern" reason is, for the most part, value free. The personal mythology (and we seem, for the moment, to be doomed to a personal and not a communal mythology) which we have built up around that cosmology is not--primarily, of course, because it is an extension of ourselves . This mythology seems to stress the tragic nature of man and his basic limitations and suggests that full knowledge may well be tragic knowledge. The mystery or the monster which lies beyond the limits of logic may well be man. And that is a tragic vision, indeed. ROBERT B. PALMER Scripps College BOOKS RECEIVED First Editions de Aloysio, Francesco. Da Dewey a James. Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 1972. Pp. 251. Paper, L 2500. Burch, George Bosworth. Alternative Goals in Religion: Love, Freedom, Truth. Foreword by W. Norris Clarke, S.J. Montreal: McGLll-Que~us Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. ix + 118. $6.50; paper, $2.50. Casini, Paolo. lntroduzione all'llluminismo Da Newton a Rousseau. Bari: Editore Laterza, 1973. Pp. xiv + 604. Paper, L 6500. A Catholic~Humanist Dialogue: Humanists and Roman Catholics in a Common World. Ed. and intro, by Paul Kurtz and Albert Dondeyne. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1973. Pp. xiii + 117. $8.95; paper, $2.95. Chinese Science: Explorations of an Ancient Tradition. Ed. by Shigeru Nakayama and Nathan Sivin. MIT East Asian Science Series. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1973. Pp. xxxvi + 334. $12.50. Contributions by Joseph Needham, Derek J. de Solla Price, Shigeru Nakayama, A. C. Graham, Mitukuni Yosida, Kiyosi Yabuuti, Nathan Sivin, Ho Peng Yoke, Beda Lira, Francis Morsingh, William C. Cooper, and Sahur6 Miyasita. Crites, Stephen. In the Twilight of Christendom: Hegel vs. Kierkegaard on Faith and History. AAR Studies in Religion, No. 2. Chambersburg, Pa.: American Academy of Religion, 1972. Pp. iv + 109. Paper. Crocker, I_ester G. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Vol. II: The Prophetic Voice 1758-1778. New York: Macmillan Co., 1973. Pp. viii + 385. $10.95. This is a sequel to the first volume, The Quest, published in 1968. Crossley, J. N., C. J. Ash, C. J. Brickhill, J. C. Stillwell, and N. H. Williams. What is Mathematical Logic? OPUS, 60. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1972. Pp. viii + 82. Paper, $1.95. Derbolav, Josef. Platons Sprachphilosophie im Kratylos und in den Sl~teren Schriften. Impulse der Forschung, Band 10. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellsehaft, 1972. Pp. 333. Paper. Elders, Leo, S. V. D. Aristotle's Theology: A Commentary on Book A of the Metaphysics. Van Gorcum's Fflosofische Bibliotheek. New York: Humanities Press, 1972. Pp. [viii] 309. $18.50. BOOKS RECEIVED 579 Findlay, John N. Psyche and Cerebrum. The Aquinas Lecture, 1972. Milwaukee: Marquette Univ. Press, 1972. Pp. [v] 41. $2.50. Finocchiaro, Maurice A. History of Science as Explanation. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. 286. $15.95. Gargallo di Castel Lentini, Gioacchino. Storla della Storiografia Moderna: Il Settecento. Rome: Bulzoni F_Aimre, 1972. Pp. 262. Paper, L 3500. Geach, P. T. Logic Matters. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1972. Pp. xii + 335. $11.50. A collection of almost all Geach's English articles previously published and not already collected in other books. Gelven, Michael. Winter, Friendship, and Guilt: The Sources of Self-Inquiry. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1973. Pp. xi + 238. Paper, $3.95. Givone, Sergio. La Storia della Filosofia Secondo Kant. Milan: U. Mursia & Co., 1972. Pp. 197. Paper, L 3200. Gupta, Manmathnath. History of the Indian Revolutionary Movement. Bombay: Somaiya Publications, 1972. Pp. x + 258...

