In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED 141 Adventurism," by Richard Kostelanetz, which has been omitted, this book is a reprint of the Fall 1969-Winter 1970 issue of Salmagundi. Leibniz: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Harry G. Frankfurt. Modern Studies in Philosophy AP16. Garden City N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1972. Pp. viii+425. Paper, $2.50. This anthology contains both new writing on Leibniz and older work. Contributors are: C. D. Broad, Louis Conturat, Carl J. Friedrich, E. M. Curley, Montgomery Furth, Ian Hacking, Jaako Hintikka, Hid6 Ishiguro, Martha Kneale, Alexandre Koyr6, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Benson Mates, Bertrand Russell, and Margaret D. Wilson. A bibliography is included. Lundeen, Lyman T. Risk and Rhetoric in Religion: Whitehead's Theory of Language and the Discourse of Faith. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972. Pp. xiii+276. $9.50. Mackey, Louis. Kierkegaard: A Kind of Poet. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1971. Pp. xiii+327. $12.50. Mahowald, Mary Briody. An Idealistic Pragmatism: The Development of the Pragmatic Element in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972. Pp. xi+ 186. Gld. 23.40. Matheron, Alexandre. Le Christ et le salut des ignorants chez Spinoza. Collection Analyse et Raisons. Paris: Editions Aubier Montaigne, 1971. Pp. 284. Paper. Matilal, Bimal K. Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis. Janua Linguarum, Series Minor, 111. The Hague: Mouton, 1971. Pp. 183. Gld. 28. Miller, Ed. L. God and Reason: An Historical Approach to Philosophical Theology. New York: Macmillan Co., 1972. Pp. xi+244. Paper. Miscellanea Mediaevalia, No. 8: Der Begriff der Repraesentatio im Mittelalter: Stellevertretung, Symbol, Zeichen, Bild. Ed. Albert Zimmermann. Proceedings of a conference of the Thomas Institute, Univ. of K61n, 1970. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1971. Pp. vii+390. DM 120. Nauen, Franz Gabriel. Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom: Schelling, H61derlin and Hegel and the Crisis of Early German Idealism. International Archives of the History of Ideas, No. 45. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. Pp. ix+104. Gld. 22.95. Nott, Kathleen. Philosophy and Human Nature. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1971. Pp. 237. $8.95. Nozick, Martin. Miguel de Unamuno. Twayne's World Authors Series. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1971. Pp. 238. Paige, R. Douglas. What is Philosophy? New York: Exposition Press, 1972. Pp. 65. Paper, $3. Announcements To readers of the Journal of the History of Philosophy: We should like to invite your response to the possibility of creating a society for the study of the history of philosophy. We see it as loosely-knit and informal, primarily to promote discussion and research. Our first meeting is planned for April 24, 1974 at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri (one day before the APA Western Division meetings). If interested, please contact the temporary secretary. [Signed] aOnN P..~TON, Emory University; BERF.L LANe, University of Colorado; IRWIN C. LmB, University of Texas; BERTRAM MORRIS, University of Colorado; RICHARD H. POPKIN, Washington University; HERBERT W. SCHNEmER, Claremont Graduate School; GIORGIO TONELLI, SUNY, Binghamton; RICHARD A. WATSON, Washington University; cRAIG WALTON (Temporary Secretary), Department o] Philosophy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 ...

