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412 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Theory" by John Albin Broyer. David L. Miller also contributes a valuable biographical essay on Mead, and John Albin Broyer's bibliography supersedes all previous bibliographies of Mead's works. Mead clearly emerges in these central essays as a philosopher worthy of more attention than he has received. Although the presentation of Mead in this volume is primarily expository , it will serve as a stimulus for further study and the critical examination of Mead's philosophical views. American orders for this volume should be sent to Professor Morris Eames, Secretary of the Seminar, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. JOHN GOHEEN California State University, Hayward BOOKS RECEIVED First Editions Auernheimer, Richard. Gemeinschaft und Gespriich: Stefano Guazzos Begriff der 'Conservatione Civile'. Humanistische Bibliothek, Reihe III: Skripten, Band 2. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1973. Pp. 189. Paper, DM 28. Brockman, John. A#erwords: Explorations of the Mystical Limits of Contemporary Reality. New York: Anchor Books, 1973. Pp. 307. Paper, $3.50. Burrell, David, C. S. C. Analogy and Philosophical Language. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. xi q- 278. $10. Caton, Hiram. The Origin oJ Subjectivity: An Essay on Descartes. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. xvi -t- 248. $12.50. Cellerier, Guy. Piaget. Collections SUP. Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1973. Pp. I10. Paper. Changing Perspectives in the History o[ Science: Essays in Honour of Joseph Needham. Ed., with Intro. by Mikulfi~ Teich and Robert Young. Boston: D. Reidel Publ. Co., 1973. Pp. xxi q- 490. $19.50. Danto, Arthur C. Analytical Philosophy o[ Action. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. xii d- 226. $12.50. Dilman, Ilham. Induction and Deduction: ,,1 Study in Wittgenstein. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1973. Pp. xi q- 225. $10.50. Duchesneau, Francois. L'Empirisme de Locke. International Archives of the History of Ideas, 57. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973. Pp. xv q- 259. Gld. 52.50. Dumitriu, Anton. Teoria Logicii. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1973. Pp. 389. Lei 22,50. Durkheim, Emile. On Morality and Society: Selected Essays. Ed., with Intro. by Robert N. Bellah. The Heritage of Sociology. Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1973. Pp. Iv q- 244. $t0.50. Dykhuizen, George. The Life and Mind of John Dewey. Intro. by Harold Taylor, Ed. by Jo Ann Boydston. 31 photographs. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. xxv q- 429. $15. F6rster, Winfried. Thomas Hobbes und der Puritanismus: Grundlagen und Grund#agen seiner Staatslehre. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1969. Pp. 243. Paper, DM 49.80. Gori, Giambattista. La Fondazione dell-Esperienza in 'sGravesande. Florence: La Nuova Italia Editrice, 1972. Pp. xii q- 336. Paper, L 4000. Hail, David L. The Civilization o[ Experience: A Whiteheadian Theory of Culture. The Orestes Brownson Series on Contemporary Thought and Affairs, No. 8. Bronx: Fordham Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. xv d- 240. $12.50. Hobbes-Forschungen. Ed. by Reinhart Koselleck and Roman Schnur. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1969. Pp. 300. Paper, DM 58.60. ISIS Cumulative Bibliography: A Bibliography of the History oJ Science. Vols. I and II, Parts I and II: Personalities and Institutions. Ed. by Magda Whitrow. London: Mansell Publ. Ltd, 1972. Pp. 732 and 795. ~33, the set of two. BOOK REVIEWS 413 Johnson, A. H. Experiential Realism. Muirhead Library of Philosophy. New York: Humanities Press, 1973. Pp. 443. $24. Language and Aesthetics: Contributions to the Philosophy of Art. Ed., with Intro. by Benjamin R. Tilghman. Lawrence: The Univ. Press of Kansas, 1973. Pp. vi + 165. $8. McKinnon, Alastair. Falsification and Belie[. Studies in Philosophy, XXV. The Hague: Mouton and Co., 1970. Pp. 106. Paper, Gld. 20. Morewedge, Parviz. The Metaphysica of Avicenna (ibn S~na). Persian Heritage Series. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1973. Pp. xxvii -1- 336. $15. Noussan-Lettry, Luis. Cuestiones de Ensehanza y de lnvestigacion en Filosofia. Coleccion de Estudios Filosoficos, 7. Mendoza, Argentina: Instituto de Filosofia, 1973. Pp. 109. Paper. Pagano, Maurizio. Storia ed Escatologia nel Pensiero di W. Pannenberg. Milan: U. Mursia and Co., 1973. Pp. 254. Paper, L 4,800. Phenomenology and Existentialism. Ed., with Intro. by Richard Zaner and Don Ihde. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973. Pp. 374. $7.95. Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel. Wittgenstein...

