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Notes and Discussions SOME ADDITIONS TO RISSE'S Bibliographia Logica One of the greatest contributions to the history of logic in recent years was the publieation in 1965 of Wilhelm Risse's Bibliographia Logica, Vol. I, which covers the years from 1472 to 1800. However, despite the fact that Risse's monumental work lists an estimated 8,000 logical works, it is still far from comprehensive, as Mr. Hickman pointed out in an earlier article in this journal.1Why this should be the ease immediately becomes apparent when one starts to work in a library such as the Bodleian at Oxford with its handwritten catalogue of books printed before 19202 and its lack of any specialized bibliographies such as the British Museum has provided for early printed books. Even in well catalogued libraries such as the University Library at Cambridge it can be difficult to locate texts, and one often stumbles across a new logical work through the accident of its being bound in the same volume as better known works. As a result of my researches over the last few years, I have put together a list of works which do not appear in Risse in the hope that other historians of logic may benefit from my discoveries. I cannot, however, claim that I have exhausted the resources of the libraries which I have visited. Doubtless there are still not only new editions but new authors left to be discovered . The libraries consulted were the following: the University Library, Cambridge (Cu), the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Ob), the British Museum, London (Lbm), the Biblioth ~que Mazadne, Paris (Pro), the Biblioth~que nationale, Pads (Pbn), and the Biblioth ~que municipale, Srlestat (Sel).31 also include one book from the University of Aberdeen Library (Sa), though I have not visited Aberdeen in person. All books which I have not seen personally are marked with an asterisk. At the end of my additions to Risse I have appended a short list of bibliographical works which I found particularly helpful, and which may not be so well known as the British Museum publications. E. J. ASHWORTH University of Waterloo A. ITEMS WHOSE AUTHORS DO NOT APPEAR IN RISSE Abrahamus, Nicolaus Guisianus. Logica Institutio. Parisiis, 1586. (Lbm) Abrahamus, Nieolaus Guisianus. Nicolai Abrahami Methodicae lnstitutiones philosophicae rationalis, naturalis, moralis. E]usdem Abrahami de artium instituendarum methodo dialogus. Parisiis, 1587. (Lbm; Cu) x L. Hickman, "Late ScholasticLogics: Another Look," Journalof the H&toryof Philosophy, IX (1971), 226-234. 2 It will soonbe replaced by a printed catalogue. a I would like to thank the Canada Council for the generous grant which enabled me to visit libraries in France. [3611 362 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Angelus, Johannes. Speculum et radix totius logices ac veritatis. Bononia, 1509. (Cu) *Arnoldus de Tongern. Epitomata logicae Aristotelis. Cologne, 1496. (Cu) Chabassius Montiliensis, Amandus. Institutiones Dialecticae. Parisiis, 1549. (Cu) Crab, Gilbert. Tractatus terminarum. Parrhisiis, 1524. (Cu) Cranston, William. Dialecticae Compendium. Paris, 1540. (Ob) Dialectica. Paris, 1545. (Cu) Fortunatianus, Chirius. Dialectica. Inc. (Cu) Gabriel a S. Vincentio. Logica. Romae, 1669. (Cu) Gothutius, F. Augustinus. Gymnasium speculativum . . . ex variis c~m Philosophis t~m theologis concinnatum et in Quinque Classes pulchre distributum, Quarum prima est Logicorum .... Paris, 1605. (Ob) Logica brevis nova. Inc. (Pm) Lokert, George. Sillogismi. Parisiis, [1522]. (Cu) *Lokert, George. Tractatus Exponibilium. Parrhisius, [1522]. (Sa) [I saw a xerox copy.] [Mainz: Universitas Moguntina: Collegium maius.] Modernorum summule logicales cum notabilibus topicorum ac disputatis elenchorum librorum ex Aristotele, boetio, beato augustino, marsilio, et ab aliis subtiHoribus sententiis viris doctissimis enucleate. [14897]. (Lbm) [Mainz: Universitas Moguntina: Collegium maius.] Modernorum summule logicales cum notabilibus topicorum ac disputatis elenchorum librorum ex Aristotele, boetio, beato augustino, marsilio, et ab aliis subtilioribus sententiis viris doctissimis enucleate. Another edition. 1490. (Ob) Martinus Molenfelt ex Livonia. Tractatus obligatorium. [1514]. (Lbm; Pbn) Pinke, Robert. Quaestiones selectiores in logica . . . et metaphysica. Oxoniae, 1680. (Lbm) Principia dialecticae . . . in quaestiones redacta. Posnaniae. [Seventeenth Century?]. (Ob) Simon de Lendenaria. Recollecta supra Sophismatibus Hentisberi. Venetiis, 1494. (Cu; (Lbm) B. ITEMSWHOSEAUTHORSAPPEARIN RISSEIN CONNECTIONWITHANOTHERTITLE OROTHERTITLES Ailly, Petrus de. Tractatus de Arte Obligandi. Paris, 1489. (Cu) Bacher, Petrus. Disputatio metaphysica, physica, logica. Dilingae, 1586. (Cu) Cardanus, Hieronymus. Contradictiones logicae in Opera 1. Lyons, 1663. (Lbm) Carpentarius, Jacobus. Compendium in Universam Dialecticam. Parisiis...

