In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS lo9 McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas is a new series, scheduled to begin publication in early 1982. Under the editorial direction of Professor Richard H. Popkin and a panel of distinguished scholars, the series aims to present a wide range of important scholarly monographs in Western intellectual history; but it will also include scholarly bibliographies, critical editions, and thematically unified collections. McGill-Queen's University Press invites inquiries concerning the submission of manuscripts from scholars working in Western intellectual history . Inquiries may be directed to Richard H. Popkin, Department of Philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 6313o; to David Fate Norton, McGill-Queen's University Press, lo2o Pine Ave. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1A2; or to Kerry McSweeney, McGillQueen 's University Press, c/o Department of English, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6. Princeton University Press will publish a six-volume English edition of the SelectedWorks of Wilhelm Dilthey. The increasing interest in Dihhey's thought across a wide spectrum of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, together with the recognized inadequacy of existing translations, justifies a coordinated effort to produce a systematic English edition of a substantial body of Dilthey's writings. The editors, Rudolf Makkreel (Emory University) and Frithjof Rodi (Ruhr Universit~tt Bochum), have been awarded a five-year grant from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation in West Germany to facilitate the coordination and revision of texts submitted by various translators. It is expected that the first volume will be ready for publication in 1982 and that subsequent volumes will appear at the rate of one every two years. Anyone interested in participating in this translation project should contact Rudolf Makkreel, Department of Philosophy , Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 3o322; Frithjof Rodi, Ruhr Universit~tt Bochum, Institut fiir Philosophie, 463~ Bochum 1, West Germany; or Sanford Thatcher, Assistant Director, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey o854o. ERRATA The table of contents in our October t 979 issue incorrectly lists Eugene E. Ryan as the reviewer of Empedocles:A PhilosophicalInvestigation, by Helle Lambridis. The review was written by Felix M. Cleve. After we had approved final proofs of our January 198o issue, the typesetter made some changes. On page 14, line 18: for 'man' read "man"; line 25: for 'man' read "man"; line 29: for "man" read 'man'. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Required by U.S.C. 3685) 1. Title of Publication:Journal of theHistoryofPhilosophy. 1A. Publication No: oo22-5o53.9. Date of Filing: September 29, 1981. 3. Frequency of Issue: Quarterly. 3A. No. of Issues Published Annually: Four. 3B. Annual Subscription Price: $15.oo. 4- Office of Publication: 2955 Renault 110 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Place, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA 92122.5- Business Office: Same. 6. Names and Addresses of Publisher: Journal of the History of Philosophy, Inc., same as above; Editor: David Norton, Philosophy Dept., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1G5; Managing Editor: James R. Groves, 2955 Renault Place, San Diego, CA 92122.7. Owner: Journal of the History of Philosophy, Inc., Philosophy Dept., University of California, Berkeley, CA 9472o. No stockholders . 8. Bondholders: None. 9- NA. lo. Extent and Nature of Circulation: A. Total Copies Printed: average no. each issue during preceding year, 18oo; single issue nearest filing date, 18oo. B. Paid Circulation. B 1. Sales through dealers, etc.: average no. each issue during preceding year, none; single issue nearest filing date, none. B2. Mail subscriptions: average no. each issue during preceding year, 1487; single issue nearest filing date, 1463. C. Total Paid Circulation : average no. each issue during preceding year, 1487; single issue nearest filing date, 1463. D. Free Distribution by Mail: average no. each issue during preceding year, 147; single issue nearest filing date, 144. E. Total Distribution: average no. each issue during preceding year, 1634; single issue nearest filing date, 16o7. F. Copies not Distributed. FI. Office use, etc.: average no. each issue during preceding year, 166; single issue nearest filing date, 193. F~. Returns from news agents: average no. each issue during preceding year, none; single issue nearest filing date, none. G. Total: average no. each issue during preceding year, 18oo; single issue nearest filing date, 18oo. 11. Signed...

