In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

J. N. Findlay, Kant and the TranscendentalObject:A HermeneuticStudy RALF MEERBOTE 439 David Lamb, Language and Perceptionin Hegeland Wittgenstein. David Lamb, Hegel: FromFoundation to System H.S. HARRIS 441 BooKs RECEIVED 446 EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS 451 VOLUME CONTENTS 453 Acknowledgment THOSE WHO ARE VAMILIARwith the operation of the Journal of the History of Philosophy know that James R. Groves has contributed immeasurably to its strength and well-being. In 1971, after an apprenticeship as an editorial assistant, Groves became the assistant editor of JHP; he also served as acting editor in 1975 . For the past seven years he has been our managing editor and since 1979 has ably combined this role with that of business manager. Should I be asked to name the one person who during the past ten years has been most important to the continued operation and quality of this journaI, I would without hesitation name Jim Groves. It is with regret, then, that I announce that this long-time friend of the Journal has resigned from our staff. On this occasion, I want to express my deep appreciation for the assistance and guidance he has given to me, and to wish him the best of success in his new editorial endeavors. DAVID FATE NORTON Editor ...

