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Announcements t985 Berkeley Con]erence. A conference to celebrate tile 3ooth anniversary of Berkeley's birth will be held at Trinity College Dublin August 19-~:t, ~985 . Anyone interested in reading a paper relating to Berkeley, or attending tire conference, should contact: Dr. David Berman; Philosophy Departmem; Trinity College; Dublin '~; Ireland. Sixth International Kant Congress ,985. The Kant-(;esellschaft in Bonn and the l)epai'tment of Philosophy at l'he Pennsylvania State University are sponsoring the Sixth International Kant Congress, September 8-1~, 1985. Plenary sessions will be devoted to invited papers. In addition, parallel sessions will be held in which submitted papers will be presented in the following sections : (1) Prehistory of Kant's Critical l~hilosophy, ('-,) "l'ranscendenlal Aesthetic and Analytic, (3) Transcendental Dialectic and Transcendental 1)octrine of Method. (4) Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Mathematics, (5) Critique of Practical Reason, (6) Metaphysics of Morality and, (7) Critique of Teleological Judgment, Anthropology, History, and Religion, (8) Aesthetics and Philosophy o|" Art, (9) Effective History of Kant's Philosophy. Papers should not exceed l:a pages in length (double-spaced) and should be submitted before l)ecember 3 l, 1984. Papers may be written and presented in English, French, or German. All papers will be evah,ated by a committee of internationally recognized Kant scholars. Address: Sixth International Kant Congress 1985; Department of Philosophy; :t46 Sparks Building; The Pennsylvania State University; University Park, PA 168mt USA. [~61] ...

