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BOOK REVIEWS 141 later thought to be incomplete an~ sometimes rhetorically hyperbolic, though not fatally flawed. One criticism, however, I do not understand: Flynn claims that Sartre remains too dualistic in his treatment of "situation" as an ambiguous phenomenon in which the relation between "the given" and "the taken" is indeterminable (26, x97). Surely one could argue that this conception of "situation" is a hedge agaimt dualism, in that it does not allow the ready analysis of the situation into subjective vs. objective factors. If, as Flynn sees, this threatens our ability to distinguish clearly and sharply between what is attributable to the subject and what is attributable to the material object, we may nonetheless have to settle for tl~is limitation if we wish to pass beyond dualism. Flynn seems just Hegelian enough to believe that Marxism and existentialism, both of which respond critically to deficiencies in the philosophies they inherit and both of which have been espoused by responsible thinkers, must be capable of being synthesized. Such synthesis requires a dialectical give-and-take on the part of each position, since each as originally formulated is partial and legitimately critical of the other. Flynn argues that Sartre's later social philosophy, while systematically indebted to Marxism and existentialism, transcends both in an original.and essentially coherent synthesis. If this is indeed the case, it suggests that the time has come to stop labelling Sartre's later work either 'existentialist' or 'Marxist', just as we would find it inadequate to label Kant's critical philosophy either 'Leibnizian' or 'Humean'. JOSEPH P. FELL Bucknell University BOOKS RECEIVED Achinstein, Peter and Owen Hannaway, editors. Observation, Experiment, and Hypothesis in Modern Physical Science. Studies from the Johns Hopkins Center for the History and Philosophy of Science. Cambridge: MIT Press, A Bradford Book, ~985. Pp. x + 379"$35.oo. Babbit, Susan M. Oresme's "Livre de Politiques" and the France of Charles V. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Voi. 75, Part ~, ~985. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1985. Pp. vii + ~58. Paper, $~5.oo. Baier, Annette. Postures of the Mind. Essays on Mind and Morals. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, ~985. Pp. xiii + 3~4 • N.P. Banerjee, S. P. and Shefali Moitra, editors. Communication, Identity, and Self-Expression. Essays in Memory orS. N. Ganguly. New York: Oxford University Press, ~984. Pp. vii + 234. $19.95. Bioch, Kurt F. Das Prinzip des Guten. Die Ontologische Basis dee Ethik. Saint Augustine: Verlag Hans Richarz, ~984. Pp. ~6~. Paper, DM 34,5o. Bramann, Jorn K. Wittgenstein's Tractatus and the Modern Arts. Rochester, NY: Adler Publishing Co., ~985. Pp. ~o3. Paper, $~5.95 Broadie, Alexander. The Circle ofJohn Mair. Logic and Logicians in Pre-Reformation Scotland. New York: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, ~985. Pp. viii + a8o. $34.5o. Bungay, Stephen. Beauty and Truth. A Study of Hegel's Aesthetics. New York: Oxford University Press, ~984. Pp. x + a35. $~4.95. Burkert, Walter. Greek Religion. Translated by John Raffan. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ~985. Pp. 493. $3°.oo. 142 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 24:l JANUARY 19~ Collins, Arthur W. Thought and Nature. Studies in Rationalist Philosophy. Notre Dame: Universi of Notre Dame Press, 1985. Pp. xi + 248. $~4.95. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. The Dance of ~iva. Essays on l~lian Art and Culture. Dover Books ~ Eastern Philosophy and Religion. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1985. Pp. xvi 139. Paper, $5.95. Cotta, Sergio. ll Diritto Nell'Esistenza. Linee di OntofenomenologiaGiuridica. Milan: Giuffr~ Editol S. p. A., 1985. Pp. viii + 229. Paper, L 13.5. Danto, Arthur C. Narration and Knowledge. (Including the Integral Text of Analytical Philosophy Histoo). New York: (~olumbia University Press, 1985. Pp. xvii + 399. Cloth, $3o.oo. Pap~ $1~.5o. Depew, DavidJ. and Bruce H. Weber. Evolution at a Crossroads:The New Biology and theNewPhilo., phy of Science. Cambridge: A Bradford Book, MIT Press, 1985. Pp. xiv + 267. $~4.~z Di Giovanni, George and H. S. Harris, translators and annotators. Between Kant and Hegel. Te: in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism. SUNY Series in Hegelian Studies. Albany: Sta University of New York Press, 1985. Pp. xii + 4oo. Cloth, $39.5 o. Paper, $19.95. Dupr~, Louis. Marx...

