In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents for Volume XXXI (1993) ARTICLES Aristotle on LyingJANE S. ZEMBATY ................................ Occasionalism and General Will in Malebranche STEVEN NADLER . . . . . . The Last Temptation of Zarathustra DAVID E. CARTWRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . Russell's Theory of Meaning and Denotation and "On Denoting" RUSSELL WAHL .......................................................... The Moral Status of 'the Many' in Aristotle JAN EDWARD GARRETT .... Buridan and Skepticism JACK ZUPKO ................................. Mathematical Demonstration and Deduction in Descartes's Early Methodological and Scientific Writings DOREN A. RECKER . . . . . . . . . The Rational Warrant for Hume's General Rules MARIE A. MARTIN . . . . Limiting Reason's Empire: The Early Reception of Hegel in France BRt~CE BAUGH ......................................................... The Truth Evaluability of Stoic Phantasiai: Adversus Mathematicos VII e42-46 CHRISTOPHER SHIELDS ........................................ Consciousness and Self-Knowledge in Aquinas's Critique of Averroes's Psychology DEBORAH L. BLACK ................................. Clarke's Extended Soul EZIO VAILA~rI ................................ Christian Wolff's Criticisms of Spinoza j. c. MORRISON ............... Kantian Moral Motivation and the Feeling of Respect RICHARD MCCARTY ............................................ Karl Jaspers and Scientific Philosophy JAMES O. BENNETT ............. The Role of Scepticism in Modern Philosophy Reconsidered RICaARD H. POPKIN ........................................................ Animal Souls, Metempsychosis, and Theodicy in Seventeenth-Century English Thought VEVER HARRISON .............................. Ignoring the Demon? Spinoza's Way with Doubt R. v. MASON .......... Some Aspects of the Philosophy of Catharine Trotter MARTHA BRANDT BOLTON ........................................................ Hume, Conjectural History, and the Uniformity of Human Nature SIMON EVNINE ........................................................ 7 3~ 49 7 ~ 17~ 191 2~3 245 259 325 349 387 405 42~ 437 5ol 5~9 545 565 589 NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS Shadow History in Philosophy RICHARD A. WATSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Responses and Author's Reply DONALD LIVINGSTON, G. A. J. ROGERS, RICHARD H. POPKIN, AND RICHARD A. WATSON ............... Early Influences on Peirce: A Letter to Samuel Barnett RICHARD H. POPKIN AND ROBERT G. MEYERS ............................... 95 111 6o7 [6611 662 BooK REVIEWS Gregory Vlastos, Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher ELINOR J. M. WEST ............................................ Richard Kraut, Aristotle on the Human Good DAVIB J. r)EPEW ............ Andr6-Jean Voetke, ed., Le Scepticisme antique: Perspectives historiques et syst~matiques R. j. HANKI~qS0 N ................................... Elspetl~ Whitney, Paradise Restored: The Mechanical Arts from Antiquity through the Thirteenth Century BARRY M. KATZ ............................ Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski, The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge BRUCE R. REICHENBACH .............................................. John T. Harwood, ed., The Early Essays and Ethics of Robert Boyle JAN WOJCIK ........................................................ Henry M6cholan, Amsterdam au temps de Spinoza. Argent et Libert~ Henry M6cholan, ~tre Juif g~Amsterdam au temps de Spinoza RICHARB H. POPKIN ........................................................ Mark Kulstad, Leibniz on Apperception, Consciousness, and Reflection EZI0 VAILATI ....................................................... Daniel E. Flage, David Hume's Theory of Mind NATHAN BRETT .......... Robert E. Norton, Herder's Aesthetics and the European Enlightenment HELMUT M~ILLERoSIEVERS ............................................... Rudolf A. Makkreel, Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The Hermeneutical Import of the "Critique ofJudgment" TOM NENON .................... Frederick Neuhouser, Fichte's Theory of Subjectivity ALMER J. MANDT .... Maudemarie Clark, Nietzsche on Truth andPhilosophy BRIAN LEITER . . . . . Robert B. Westbrook, John Dewey and American Democracy TH0 MAS M. ALEXANDER .................................................... Daniel J. Wilson, Science, Community, and the Transformation of American Philosophy, ~86o-~93o c. r. BELANEV ............................ Robert Bernasconi and Simon Critchley, eds., Re-Reading Levinas Emmanuel Levinas, Nine Talmudic Readings RICHARD COHEN ........... Edward Schiappa, Protagoras and "Logos": A Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric ROSAMOND KENT SPRAGUE ............................. Michael J. Loux, Primary Ousia: An Essay on Aristotle's "Metaphysics" Z and H MARY LOUISE GILL ............................................ R. M. Dancy, Two Studies in the Early Academy JONATHAN BARNrS ....... Leo J. Elders, S.V.D., The Philosophical Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas W. NORRIS CLARKE, S.J ........................................ Michael J. B. Allen, Icastes: Marsilio Ficino's Interpretation of Plato's "Sophist" JOHN MONFASANI .............................................. David Lewis Schaeffer, The Political Philosophy of Montaigne CRAIG WALTON ................................................ Mark Morford, Stoics and Neostoics: Rubens and the Circle of Lipsius MXCHAEL L. MORGAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 31:4 OCTOBER 199 3 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 146 148 15o 152 154 277 278 28o 282 284 286 288 CONTENTS FOR VOLUME XXXI (~993) 663 Susanna Akerman, Queen Christina of Sweden and Her Circle: The Transformation of a Seventeenth-Century Philosophical Libertine c HRISTIA MERCER ........................................................ 289 Edwin Curley and Pierre-Frangois Moreau, eds., Spinoza: Issues and Directions AMY ROBINSON ................................................ 291 Roif W. Puster, Britische Gassendi-Rezeption am BeispielJohn Lockes VREDERICK S. MICr~AE~. ANt) EMI~.Y MiCHAEl. .............................. 293 Donald T. ~;iebert, The...

