In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Another Spinoza
  • Richard H. Popkin
Richard H. Popkin
Washington University
University of California, Los Angeles


1. Biographical information on Le Moine can be found in Eug. Haag and Ém. Haag, La France Protéstante, 10 vols. (Paris, Geneva: J. Cherbuliez, 1846-59).

2. For biographical details about Pierre-Daniel Huet, see Léon Tolmer, Pierre-Daniel Huet (1630-1721), Humaniste-Physicien (Bayeux: Imprimérie Colas, 1949).

3. Huet's correspondence is one of the great unexamined fonds for seventeenth-century intellectual history, since he corresponded with people all over Europe about historical, philosophical, scientific, theological and religious matters. Parts of the correspondence are in many different libraries all over Europe. April Shelford of Princeton is planning to study Huet's correspondence as a Ph.D. dissertation topic.

4. Spinoza died on Feb. 22, 1677.

5. Tokyo.

6. This was the name given to Confucianism at the time.

7. This was a name for Buddhism.

8. Spinoza, letter 83, July 15, 1676. Spinoza asked Tschirnhaus if Huet's treatise against Spinoza's Tractatus has been published, and if so, would Tschirnhaus send him a copy.

9. Huet placed his foot on the edge of the place where the rabbis spoke from. See Pierre-Daniel Huet, Huetiana (Paris: Estienne, 1722), 225.

10. Quoted in the Haag and Haag entry on Le Moine, without giving any source, La France Protéstante, 6: 544.


