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  • Philodoxy:Mere Opinion and the Question of History
  • Donald R. Kelley
Donald R. Kelley
Rutgers University


1. Jonathan Barnes, The Presocratic Philosophers (London, 1979), 156. See also T. Sprute, Der Begriff der doxa in der platonische Philosophie (Göttingen, 1962).

2. See Anna Maria Ioppolo, Opinione e scienza: Il dibattito tra Stoici e Accademici nel III e nel II secolo a. C. (1986).

3. Academica, II, 77. On doxa and opinion see A. A. Long and D. N. Sedley, eds., The Hellenistic Philosophers (Cambridge, 1987), I: 253-59, II: 254-59.

4. Susan C. Jarrett, Rereading the Sophists: Classical Rhetoric Refigured (Carbondale, Ill. 1991).

5. Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, tr. W. H. Stahl (New York, 1990), 136.

6. Cited from his commentary on Aristotle's De Anima in Edmund F. Byrne, Probability and Opinion: A Study in the Medieval Presuppositions of Post-Medieval Theories of Probability (The Hague, 1968), 68.

7. Essais, II, 12, "Apology for Raymond Sebond" (translation of Donald Frame), on "les philodoxes."

8. See, e.g., the usage of Spinoza, detailed in Lexicon Spinozaneum, ed. E. G. Boscherini, 2 vols. (The Hague, 1970), II, 784-86 ("opinio") and 858-60 ("praejudicium").

9. Meditations, in Philosophical Writings, tr. John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald Murdoch (Cambridge, 1984-85), 2: 17.

10. Principles of Philosophy, in Writings, 1: 218.

11. Advancement of Learning, 59.

12. Arthur M. Wilson, Diderot (New York, 1972), 189.

13. An Essay concerning Human Understanding, II, xxviii, 10.

14. Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary, ed. Eugene F. Miller (Indianapolis, 1985), 51.

15. A Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, Introduction, in A New Theory of Vision and Other Writings (London, 1709), 108.

16. Kant is often credited with coinage of the term "philodoxy" (Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Vorrede, 2nd ed.); but see, e.g., Montaigne (above n. 7) and Thomas Gale, The Court of the Gentiles (Oxford, 1672), 89, who rages against "fluid weak opinion" and those who are philodoxoi rather than philosophoi.

17. See especially Werner Schneiders, Aufklärung und Vorurteilskritik (Stuttgart, 1983).

18. E. g., Claudius Cantiuncula, Topia legalis (Basel, 1545), 10 (topic no. 1).

19. On the true way or Method of attaining to Divine Knowledge (London, 1660), 10, cited by Ernst Cassirer, The Platonic Renaissance in England, tr. James P. Pettegrove (Austin, 1953), 31.

20. See especially the recent work of Michael Albrecht, Eklektik: Eine Begriffsgeschichte mit Hinweisen auf die Philosophie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Stuttgart, 1994); Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Topica universalis: Eine Modellgeschichte humanistischer und barocker Wissenschaft (Hamburg, 1983), 252ff.; Giovanni Santinello, ed., Storia delle storie generali della filosofia, I: Dalle origini rinascimentale alla 'historia philosophica' (Brescia, 1981) (English trans., Models of the History of Philosophy, ed. C. Blackwell and P. Weller [Dordrecht, 1993])-and II: Dall'etá cartesiana a Brucker (Brescia, 1979), see indices; and my remarks in The Shapes of Knowledge from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, ed. D. R. Kelley and Richard H. Popkin (Dordrecht, 1991), 12ff. Ulrich Schneider is working on an extensive study of modern Eclecticism.

21. "De Praejudiciis oder Von den Vorurteilen," in Aus der Frühzeit der deutschen Aufklärung, ed. F. Bruggemann (Leipzig, 1938), 39. Cf. Jean Leclerc, A Treatise of the Causes of Incredulity (London, 1697), 45ff.

22. A view still taken a century by F. C. Carus, Ideen zur Geschichte der Philosophie (Leipzig, 1809), 11: "Die Geschichte der Philosophie darf also nicht blos historia sapientiae sondern auch historia stultitiae seyn." And see Martial Gueroult, Historie de l'histoire de la philosophie, I (Paris, 1984), 67, 90, 189, etc.

23. Introductio ad philosophicara aulicam (Leipzig, 1688), 43; cf. his collection of essays published under the title Historia sapientiae et stultitiae (Halle, 1693).

24. Brucker, in the translation of William Enfield, The History of Philosophy (London, 1819), II, 468-69, citing Horace, Epistulae 1.1.14. See Capasso, Historiae philosophiae synopsis (Naples, 1728), 165; Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Theodizee und Tatsachen: Das philosophisches Profil der deutschen Auflärung (Frankfurt, 1988), 203; and Paul Dibon, La Philosophie néerlandaise au siècle d'or (Paris, 1954).

25. Peri Hermenias 16a.

26. De Trinitate XV.10.19. And see Marcia Colish, The Mirror of Language: A Study in the Medieval Theory of Knowledge...

