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  • Hegel, Derrida, and Restricted Economy:The Case of Mechanical Memory
  • Stephen Houlgate
Stephen Houlgate
University of Warwick


1. G. W. F. Hegel, Werke in zwanzig Bänden, edited by E. Moldenhauer and K. M. Michel, 20 vols. and Index (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1969 ff.), III [Phänomenologie des Geistes], 74. For the English translation, see Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, translated by A. V. Miller, with analysis of the text and foreword by J. N. Findlay (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977). 51. Further references will be given in the text in the form: Phen. 74; 51, with the German page numbers given first. (Translations of passages from both Hegel and Derrida have been emended where necessary.)

2. See J. Derrida, La voix et le phénomène (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1967), 73-77. The English translation is Speech and Phenomena, translated, with an introduction, by D. B. Allison, preface by N. Garver (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1973), 65-69. Further references will be given in the text in the form: VPh, 73-77; 65-69, with the French page numbers given first.

3. J. Derrida, Positions (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1972), 55, 59. The English translation is Positions, translated and annotated by A. Bass (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), 40, 44.

4. Derrida, Positions, 59-60 (English trans., 43-44). See also J. Llewelyn, "A Point of Almost Absolute Proximity to Hegel," in Deconstruction and Philosophy: The Texts of Jacques Derrida, edited by John Sallis (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), 87-95.

5. J. Derrida, L'écriture et la différence (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1967), 375. The English translation is Writing and Difference, translated, with an introduction and additional notes, by A. Bass (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978), 255. Further references will be given in the text in the form: WD, 375; 255, with the French page numbers given first.

6. For Georges Bataille's interpretation of Hegel, see, for example, L'expérience intérieure (Paris: Gallimard, 1943). The English translation of this text is Inner Experience, translated by Leslie Ann Boldt (Albany: SUNY Press, 1988). For further reading, one should also consult Yale French Studies: On Bataille 79 (1990).

7. J. Derrida, Glas (Paris: Editions Denoël/Gonthier, 1981), 187a. The English translation is Glas, translated by J. Leavey and R. Rand (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986), 133a. Further references are given in the text in the form: Glas, 187a; 133a, with the French page numbers given first. See also WD, 376; 255. For an important critique of Derrida's understanding of Aufhebung, see Joseph Flay, "Hegel, Derrida, and Bataille's Laughter," in Hegel and His Critics: Philosophy in the Aftermath of Hegel, ed. W. Desmond (Albany: SUNY Press, 1989), 163-73, especially 167-68.

8. M. Heidegger, Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes (Gesamtausgabe, Vol. 32), edited by I. Görland (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1980), 116, 144. The English translation is Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, translated by P. Emad and K. Maly (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988), 82, 100.

9. See S. Houlgate, Freedom, Truth and History: An Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy (London: Routledge, 1990, 206-21. See also Houlgate, "Power, Egoism and the 'Open' Self," in The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (October 1991): 127-31.

10. See Hegel, Werke, Vl [Wissenschaft der Logik II], 277, and Werke, VII [Grundlinien der Philosophic des Rechts], 307 [§158 Addition]. The English translations of these texts are Hegel's Science of Logic, translated by A. V. Miller, with foreword by J. N. Findlay (Atlantic Highlands, NJ.: Humanities Press International, 1989), 603, and Hegel's Philosophy of Right, translated with notes by T. M. Knox (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1967), 261. Further references to the Science of Logic will be given in the text in the following form: (in the case of Werkt, VI) Logic, II, 277; 603 and (in the case of Werke, V) Logic, I,249; 216, with the German page numbers given first.

11. J. Derrida, Marges de la Philosophie (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1972), 125. The English translation is Margins of Philosophy, translated, with additional notes by A. Bass (Brighton: Harvester...

