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BOOKS RECEIVED 477 The manuscripts allow us to see something much more interesting and indeed philosophically important: a thinker at work. Here we can peer over Wittgenstein's shoulder to see him in his workshop. There may not be deductive clarity or finality here, but there is a continuous and tremendously exciting development on the pages before us. We see Wittgenstein framing good, bad, and highly suggestive thoughts and proposals. We see him reporting, then revising his reactions to conversations and to his conception of his earlier writings. We see him venting frustration, discouragement, hopefulness , humor, spite, and unclarity. In short, we see an enormously impressive philosopher philosophizing. JULIET FLOYD City College and The Graduate Center, CUNY BOOKS RECEIVED Ameriks, Karl and Dieter Sturma, editors. The Modern Subject: Conceptionsof the Self in Classical German Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. Pp. vii + 252. Paper, $16.95. Anderson, Kevin. Lenin, Hegel, and WesternMarxism: A CriticalStudy. Urbana: Universityof Illinois Press, 1995. Pp. xvii + 311. Cloth, $49.95- Paper, $15.95. Axinn, Sidney. The Logic of Hope: Extensions of Kant's Viewof Religion. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Pp. xi + 313. Paper, $67.1 i. Baron, Marcia W. Kantian Ethics Almost withoutApology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, x995. Pp. xiii + 244. Cloth, $32.5o. Benhabib, Seyla et al., editors. On Max Horkheimer: New Perspectives.Cambridge: The MIT Press, a995. Pp. vi + 432. Paper, $2o.oo. Blackson, Thomas A. Inquiry, Forms, and Substances:A Study in Plato's Metaphysicsand Epistemology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1995. Pp. viii + 226. Cloth, $99.oo. Bohmer, Otto A. Neue Sternstunden der Philosophie: SchlusselerlebnissegrosserDenker von Platon bis Adorno. Munchen: Verlag C. H. Beck, 1995. Pp. 193. Paper, DM 19.8o. Bono, James J. The Word of Godand theLanguages ofMan: Interpreting Nature in Early Modern Science and Medicine. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. Pp. xi + 317. Cloth, $50.oo. Paper, $22.95. Bos, Abraham P. It trattato "Sul cosmo"per Alessandro attributo ad Aristotele 0985). Milan: Vita E Pensiero, 1995. Pp. 534. Cloth, L 55,ooo. Burch, Robert W. and Herman J. Saatkamp,Jr., editors. Frontiersin AmericanPhilosophy:VolumeH. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1996. Pp. xii + 376. Cloth, $49.95. Ch'in-shun, Lo. Knowledge Painfully Acquired: The K'un-chih chi byLo Ch'in-shun. Edited and translated by Irene Bloom. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995. Pp. ix + 226. Cloth, $35.oo. Paper, $19.5o. Clifford, Craig. The Tenure of Phil Wisdom: Dialogues. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc., 1995. Pp. xxi + 211. Paper, $34.oo. Dallmayr, Fred. The Other Heidegger 0993). Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995. Pp. xii + 232. Paper, $x3.95. Daston, Lorraine. ClassicalProbability in the Enlightenment. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Pp. xviii + 423. Paper, $t9.95. 478 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY or PHILOSOPHY 34:3 JULY 1996 De Gandt, Franfois. Force and Geemetry in Newton's "Pri~ipia." Translated by Curtis Wilson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, t995. Pp. xiv + 293. Cloth, $49.5o. De l'universali~ europ~ennede la langue franfaise : corpus des oeuvresde philosophieen languefran~aise. Paris: Acad6mie de Berlin, 1995. Pp. 478. Cloth, FF 28o. Deleuze, Gilles. Negotiations: i972-i99o. Translated by Martin Joughin. New York: Columbia UniversityPress, 1995. Pp. vi + 221. Cloth, $35.oo. Di Napoli, Nico. Mito politico e teoriarazionale. Naples: Loffredo Editore, 1995. Pp. 122. Paper, L 2~,ooo. Diamond, Cora. The Realistic Spirit: Wittgenstein, Philosophyand theMind (1991). Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1995. Pp. xv + 396. Paper, $16.95. Dickie, George. The Century of Taste: The PhilosophicalOdysseyof Taste in theEighteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, x995. Pp. xii + 156. Cloth, $39.95. Doy~,Sabine.J.G. Fichte-Bibliographie(z968-i992193). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. Pp. vii + 383. Cloth, $12o.87. Dupr~, Louis. Passage to Modernity: An Essay in theHermeneutics of Nature and Culture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996. Pp. x + 3oo. Cloth, $32.5o. Paper, $15.oo. Earle, C., K. Mathewson, and M. Kenzer, editors. Conceptsin Human Geography. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Litflefield Publishers, Inc., 1996. Pp. xxv + 486. Cloth, $67.5o. Paper, $27.95. Earman, John. Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities and Acausalities in Relativistic Spaeetiraes. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. xi + 257. Cloth, $35.oo. Ettinger...

