In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Publications Relating to Canada
  • Michael D. Stevenson

This bibliography is intended to provide as complete coverage as possible of newly available material useful in the study of any aspect of Canadian history. In keeping with the diverse backgrounds and interests of our readers, both scholarly and well-researched popular sources are regularly listed. It should be noted that items of a purely contemporary or speculative nature and lacking appreciable historical content are normally excluded. Furthermore, accessibility considerations logically dictate that materials cited have appeared in published form, theses traditionally being the sole exception. Suggestions for possible inclusion in Recent Publications are welcomed and should be forwarded with the necessary technical information to the compiler at the Canadian Historical Review offices.

See also the 'New Books Service,' a monthly online list of Canadian publications prepared by Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa; International Perspectives; Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth, issued quarterly by the General Council of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; and in the University of Toronto Quarterly, 'Letters in Canada,' published in the January issue. Regionally oriented bibliographies are included in each issue of Acadiensis, BC Studies, and Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française. Any MA and PhD theses listed in the current bibliography were reported as recently completed in a range of sources, including America: History and Life and Dissertation Abstracts International.

Users of this bibliography should bear in mind that all titles are listed only once. Because of subject overlap, alternative categories should be consulted.

Aboriginal History

ANDERSON, EMMA JANE. Fatal Ambivalence: The Conversion and 'Apostasy' of Pierre-Anthoine Pastedechouan, Seventeenth-Century Native American. PhD diss., Harvard University, 2005.
BIRD, LOUIS. The Spirit Lives in the Mind: Omushkego Stories, Lives, and Dreams. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007. Pp. 264, illus. $75.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.
BOAS, FRANZ. Indian Myths and Legends from the North Pacific Coast of America: A Translation of Franz Boas' 1895 Edition of Indianische Sagen Von der Nord-Pacifishen Küste Amerikas, ed. Randy Bouchard and Dorothy Kennedy. Burnaby: Talon Books, 2006. Pp. 704, $39.95. [End Page 535]
MCKEGNEY, SAM WALTER. Reclamations of the 'Dis-possessed': Narratives of Survivance by Indigenous Survivors of Canada's Residential Schools. PhD diss., Queen's University, 2005.
RAMOS, HOWARD. Divergent Paths: Aboriginal Mobilization in Canada, 1951-2000. PhD thesis, McGill University, 2004.
SCHOLTZ, CHRISTA. Negotiating Claims: Recognition, Citizenship, and the Emergence of Indigenous Land Claim Negotiation Policies in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. PhD thesis, Princeton University, 2004.

New France

LATOUCHE, PIERRE-EDOUARDE. Les marchés de construction notariés et les transformations de la sphère privée et de la sphère publique à Montréal entre 1700 et 1755. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval, 2005.

British North America Before 1867

AJZENSTAT, JANET. The Canadian Founding: John Locke and Parliament. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007. Pp. 232, $75.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.
BROWN, R. BLAKE. The Jury, Politics, and the State in British North America: Reforms to Jury Systems in Nova Scotia and Upper Canada, 1825-1867. PhD diss., Dalhousie University, 2005.
BRUMWELL, STEPHEN. Paths of Glory: The Life and Death of General James Wolfe. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007. Pp. 288, illus. $39.95.
CABANAC, JULIEN. L'Influence de l'Esprit Scientifique sur la construction des droits Français, Anglais et Québécois au sortir du Siècle des Lumières. Thèse de doctorat, Université d'Ottawa, 2004.
FITZGERALD, SHARRON. Women's Agency in the Development of Hybrid Social Spaces: The Trials of Sarah Ballenden and Maria Thomas in Canada's Red River Colony, 1850 and 1863. PhD diss., Wilfrid Laurier University, 2004.
FRIESEN, DARREN G. The Other Newcomers: Aboriginal Interactions with People from the Pacific. MA thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2006.
LÉPINE, LUC. La milice du district de Montréal, 1787-1829: essai d'histoire socio-militaire. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2005.
MCLAREN, KRISTIN. 'African Barbarism' and 'Anglo-Saxon Civilization': The Mythic Foundations of School Segregation and African-Canadian Resistance in Canada West. PhD diss., University of Ottawa, 2005.
MUIR, JAMES. Civil Law in...

