In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The Journal of Military History 71.4 (2007) 1348-1373

Index to Volume 71
Abbatiello, John J.: Anti-Submarine Warfare in World War I, revd. by E. W. Osborne, 247–48
Abbenhuis-Ash, Maartje M.: The Art of Staying Neutral, revd. by H. P. van Tuyll, 1257–58
Addison, Paul: Firestorm, revd. by A. Clayton, 579–81
Admiral Lord Keith and the Naval War against Napoleon, by K. D. McCranie, revd. by R. Harding, 220–21
AEF Way of War, The: The American Army and Combat in World War I, by M. E. Grotelueschen, revd. by D. V. Johnson, 1260–61
Afghanistan: invasion of 2001, book on revd., 986–87
African Americans, books on reviewed: Civil War veterans' problems, 231–32; Ft. Jackson and civil rights movement, 600; Naval Academy, first cadet at, 273–74; and Vietnam era military, 979–80
Africa Squadron: The U.S. Navy and the Slave Trade, 1842–1864, by D. L. Canney, revd. by E. S. Van Sickle, 924–25
After the Glory: The Struggles of Black Civil War Veterans, by D. R. Shaffer, revd. by J. P. Reidy, 231–32
Against the Draft: Essays on Conscientious Objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War, by P. Brock, revd. by R. L. Goldich, 258–59
Age of Total War, 1860–1945, The, by J. Black, revd. by E. S. Rafuse, 241–42
"Alarm in Washington: A Wartime 'Exposé' of Japan's Biological Warfare Program," by R. B. Jeans, Jr., 411–39
Albano, Patrick M.: review of Stalin's Guerrillas (by K. Slepyan), 1276–77
Alexander, Martin S.: "The French and the British Field Force: Moral Support or Material Contribution?" 743–72
Allason, Rupert ["Nigel West"]: The Guy Liddell Diaries, vol. 2, revd. by T. Holt, 265–66
Allison, William Thomas: Military Justice in Vietnam, revd. by F. Borch, 1315–17
Allsen, Thomas T.: The Royal Hunt in Eurasian History, revd. by T. May, 207–8
Amazons to Fighter Pilots: A Biographical Dictionary of Military Women, by R. Pennington, 1204–10
American Culture of War, The: The History of U.S. Military Force from World War II to Operation Iraqi Freedom, by A. R. Lewis, revd. by R. M. Swain, 1329–30
"American Doughboys and German Fräuleins: Sexuality, Patriarchy, and Privilege in the American-Occupied Rhineland, 1918–23," by E. Kuhlman, 1077–1106
American Heroine in the French Resistance, An: The Diary and Memoir of Virginia d'Albert-Lake, ed. J. B. Litoff, revd. by M. R. D. Foot, 260–61
Anderson, Gary Clayton: The Conquest of Texas, revd. by B. Vandervort, 507–8
Andreeva, Elena: review of Iran in the Claws of the Bear (by H. and F. Talé, 1299–1300
Angevine, Robert G.: review of The Business of Civil War (by M. R. Wilson), 223–24
Angstrom, Jan: Understanding Victory and Defeat in Contemporary War, revd. by J. P. Cann, 1328–29
Anti-Submarine Warfare in World War I: British Naval Aviation and the Defeat of the U-boats, by J. J. Abbatiello, revd. by E. W. Osborne, 247–48
An Uncompromising Secessionist: The Civil War of George Knox Miller, Eighth (Wade's) Confederate Cavalry, ed. R. M. McMurry, revd. by J. I. Robertson, Jr., 1240–41
Appeasement and Rearmament: Britain, 1936–1939, by J. P. Levy, revd. by D. French, 252–53
Apprenticeship in Arms, An: The Origins of the British Army, 1585–1702, by R. B. Manning, revd. by M. C. Fissel, 519–20
Arming Slaves: From Classical Times to the Modern Age, ed. C. L. Brown and P. D. Morgan, revd. by J. P. Dunn, 513–14
Arms, Economics, and British Strategy: From Dreadnoughts to Hydrogen Bombs, by G. C. Peden, revd. by J. T. Sumida, 1266–67
Arms and the Self: War, the Military, and Autobiographical Writing, ed. A. Vernon, revd. by A. Danchev, 974–75
Army in Transformation, 1790–1860, The, by J. M. McCaffrey, revd. by W. H. Skelton, 527–28 [End Page 1348]
Arreguín-Toft, Ivan: How the Weak Win Wars, revd. by J. Black, 297–98
Art of Staying Neutral, The...

