In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Eighteenth Century Fiction 19.4 (2007) 488-490

Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Volume 19, 2006–7 Contents


SHARON ALKER, The Soldierly Imagination: Narrating Fear in Defoe's Memoirs of a Cavalier     43
M. JOHN CARDWELL, The Rake as Military Strategist: Clarissa and Eighteenth-Century Warfare     153
FRANK FELSENSTEIN, Unravelling Ann Mills: Some Notes on Gender Construction and Naval Heroism     207
PATRICIA L. HAMILTON, Monkey Business: Lord Orville and the Limits of Politeness in Frances Burney's Evelina     415
JOCELYN HARRIS, "Domestic Virtues and National Importance": Lord Nelson, Captain Wentworth, and the English Napoleonic War Hero     181
NICOLLE JORDAN, The Promise and Frustration of Plebeian Public Opinion in Caleb Williams     243
ELISABETH KRIMMER, Transcendental Soldiers: Warfare in Schiller's Wallenstein and Die Jungfrau von Orleans     99
JONATHAN LAMB, Sterne, Sebald, and Siege Architecture     21
E.M. LANGILLE, La Place's Histoire de Tom Jones, ou l'enfant trouvé and Candide     267
MICHELLE LEVY, The Radical Education of Evenings at Home     123
CHRISTOPHER F. LOAR, How to Say Things with Guns: Military Technology and the Politics of Robinson Crusoe     1
LOUIS KIRK MCAULEY, "Periodical Visitations": Yellow Fever as Yellow Journalism in Charles Brockden Brown's Arthur Mervyn     307
JULIE MCGONEGAL, The Tyranny of Gift Giving: The Politics of Generosity in Sarah Scott's Millenium Hall and Sir George Ellison     291
WILL MCMORRAN, : Sade's Justine Palimpsest      367 [End Page 488]
FABIENNE MOORE, The Crocodile Strikes Back: Saint-Martin's Interpretation of the French Revolution     71
JULIE PARK, War/La Guerre Preface     1:vii
DEBORAH WEISS, The Extraordinary Ordinary Belinda: Maria Edgeworth's Female Philosopher     441


SARAH BENHARRECH, éd., Deux lettres inédites de Crébillon fils; à M.M. de La Place et de La Garde du Mercure de France et à Malesherbes     401
AMY GARNAI, ed., A Letter from Charlotte Smith to the Publisher George Robinson     391

Reviews/Comptes Rendus

Tita Chico, Designing Women: The Dressing Room in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Culture (Erin Mackie)     225
Anne de La Roche-Guilhen, Histoire des favorites, éd. Els Höhner (Perry Gethner)     356
Julia Douthwaite and Mary Vidal, eds., The Interdisciplinary Century: Tensions and Convergences in Eighteenth-Century Art, History and Literature SVEC 2005:04 (Carol Blum)     468
Ina Ferris, The Romantic National Tale and the Question of Ireland (Sharon Alker)     227
Stéphanie Genand, Le Libertinage et l'histoire: politique de la séduction à la fin de l'Ancien régime SVEC 2005:11 (Jean-Pierre Dubost)      471
Karen Harvey, Reading Sex in the Eighteenth Century: Bodies and Gender in English Erotic Culture (Raymond Stephanson)     222
Jean-Claude Hauc, Ange Goudar, un aventurier des Lumières (Jacqueline Chammas)     236
Wendy S. Jones, Consensual Fictions: Women, Liberalism, and the English Novel (James Cruise)     344
Gary Kelly, ed., Varieties of Female Gothic (E.J. Clery)     463
Thomas Keymer and Peter Sabor, "Pamela" in the Marketplace: Literary Controversy and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland (Brean S. Hammond)     485
Huguette Krief, éd., Vivre libre et écrire: Anthologie des romancières de la période révolutionnaire (1789–1800) (Marie-Laure Girou Swiderski)     351 [End Page 489]
Édouard Langille, éd., Candide, ou l'Optimisme, seconde partie (1760), traduit de l'allemand de M. Le docteur Ralph (Frédéric Deloffre) 240
David Marshall, The Frame of Art: Fictions of Aesthetic Experience, 1750–1815 (Richard Kroll) 365
Michael McKeon, The Secret History of Domesticity: Public, Private, and the Division of Knowledge (John Richetti)     346
Anja Müller, ed., Fashioning Childhood in the Eighteenth Century: Age and Identity (Michelle Ann Abate)      477
Ruth Perry, Novel Relations: The Transformation of Kinship in English Literature and Culture, 1748–1818 (Scott R. MacKenzie)     229
Alexander Pettit and Patrick Spedding, eds., Eighteenth-Century British Erotica, Parts 1 and 2 ; Bradford K. Mudge, ed., When Flesh Becomes Word: An Anthology of Early Eighteenth-Century Libertine Literature (Peter Sabor)     217
Yoav Rinon, Sadian Reflections (John Phillips)     354
Randolph Paul Runyon, The Art of the Persian Letters: Unlocking Montesquieu's "Secret Chain" (Sylvie Romanowski)     341
Charlotte Smith, Celestina, ed. Loraine Fletcher; Elizabeth Inchbald, Nature and Art, ed. Shawn...

