In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received, Spring/Summer, 2002
Aravanitopoulos, Constantine and Konstantina Botsiou. 2002. Democracy, Security and Economic Development in Southeast Europe. Athens: Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy. Pp. 158.
Close, David. 2002. Greece Since 1945. London: Longman. Pp. 307.
Constantinidis, Stratos. 2001. Modern Greek Theatre: A Quest for Hellenism. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co. Pp. 208. $34.95 paper.
Gallant, Thomas W. 2002. Experiencing Dominion: Culture, Identity and Power in the British Mediterranean. South Bend IN: University of Notre Dame. Pp. 272. $40.00 cloth. $19.00 paper.
Gounaris, Vasilis K. 2000. 1897-1911. Athens: Stahy. Pp. 312.
Gounaris, Vasilis K. and Petros Papapolyviou (eds.). 2001. . Thessaloniki: Ekdoseis Paratiritis. Pp. 251.
Hajiyanni, Tasoulla. 2002. The Making of a Refugee: Children Adopting Refugee Identity in Cyprus. Westport, CT: Praeger. Pp. 245 $64.95.
Jusdanis, Gregory. 2001. The Necessary Nation. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Pp. 223. $19.95 paper.
Kaftantzoglou, Roxani. 2001. . Athens: Ellinika Grammata. Pp. 330.
Keeley, Edmund. 2002. Some Wine for Remembrance. Buffalo NY: White Pine Press. Pp. 216 $15.
Koutrianou, Elena. 2002. . Athens: Idryma Kosta kai Eleni Ourani. Pp. 613.
Lambaridou Pothou, Maria. (trans. Theony Condos). 2001. Byzantium: The Fall. An Epic Novel. Athens/New York: Terzo Books. Pp. 685. (Maps, illustrations).
Leontis, Artemis, Lauren E. Talalay and Keith Taylor (eds.). 2002. ". . .what these Ithakas mean. Athens: Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive. Pp. 144. (illustrations. bilingual).
Makriyannis, Ioannis (trans. Vassilis Koukis). Memoirs. Athens: Narok. Pp. 557 + appendix of illustrations.
Nasioutzik, Paulina. 2002. 19° . Athens: Estias. Pp. 422. Illustrations.
Sutton, David E. 2001. Remembrance of Repasts: An Anthropology of Food and Memory. Oxford: Berg. Pp. 211. paper.
Tabachnick, Stephen E. 2002. Fiercer than Tigers: The Life and Works of Rex Warner. East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press. Pp. 522. $37.95.
Yiallourides, Chistodoulos, K. and Panayotis J. Tsakonas (eds.). 2001. Greece and Turkey after the End of the Cold War. Crestwood NY: Caratzas. Pp. 497. $30.00 paper.

Journals Received

Mésogeios. Vols. 7, 8, 9. 2001. Paris: Herodotos.
Ithaca: Books from Greece. vols 10, 11, 2001

