In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books and Journals Recently Received



Hansen, William, editor, Anthology of Ancient Greek Popular Literature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
Ταïφάϰος, Ιωάννης Γ., Πετρώνıoς ϰαı Κoραής. Κρıτıϰά ϰαı ερμηνευτıϰıά σχόλıα στo ϰείμενo τωv Σατυρıϰώv. Athens, 1997.


Kazamias, Andreas M., editor, Education and the Structuring of the European Space. North-South, Centre-Periphery, Identity-Otherness. Athens: Seirios Editions, 1998.
Μιχαηλίδης-Νουάρος, Ανδρέας, Παιδαγωγιϰή επισιήμη ϰαι έρευνα. Ειδιϰή παιδαγωγιϰή βιβλιoγραφία στην Ελλάδα, 1830–1997, volume 4. Thessaloniki, 1997.

Literature and Criticism

Λόρδου Μπάυρον, Επιστoλές από την Ελλάδa 1809–1811, 1823–1824, translated by Demosthenes Kourtovik. Athens: Ideogramma, 1996.
Ricks, David, editor, Modern Poetry in Translation. Greece. London: King’s College London, University of London, 1998.
The Rehearsal of Misunderstanding. Three Collections by Contemporary Greek Women Poets, edited, translated, and with an introduction by Karen Van Dyck. Hanover, New Hampshire and London: University Press of New England / Wesleyan University Press, 1998.
Van Dyck, Karen, Kassandra and the Censors. Greek Poetry Since 1967. Ithaca, New York and London: Cornell University Press, 1998.
Vlavianos, Haris, Adieu, translated by David Connolly. Birmingham, UK: Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman, and Modern Greek Studies, The University of Birmingham, 1998.
Τριανταφύλλου, Σώτη, ϒπόγειoς oυρανός. Athens: Polis, 1998.


Calotychos, Vangelis, editor, Cyprus and Its People. Nation, Identity, and Experience in an Unimaginable Community, 1955–1997. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1998.
Μαυράτσας, Καίσαρ Β., Όψεις τoυ ελληνιϰoύ εθνιϰισμoύ στην Κύπρo. Ιδεoλoγιϰές αντιπαρaθέσεις ϰαι η ϰoινωvιϰή ϰατασϰευή της ελληνo-ϰυπριαϰής ταυτότητας 1972–1996. Athens: Katarti, 1998.
Παξιμαδοπούλου-Σταυρινού, Μιράντα, H δυτιϰή Θράϰη στην εξωτεριϰή πoλιτιϰή της Βoυλγαρίας. To ζήτημα της βoυλγαριϰής oιϰoνoμιϰής διεξόδoυ στo Αιγαίo (1919–1923). Athens: Gutenberg, 1997. [End Page 207]
Rossides, Eugene T., The Truman Doctrine of Aid to Greece. A Fifty-Year Retrospective. New York and Washington: The Academy of Political Science and the American Hellenic Institute Foundation, 1998.
Veremis, Thanos M. and Nicolas Protonotarios, editors, Southeast Europe Factbook & Survey 1996–1997. Athens: Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy, 1997.
Veremis, Thanos, The Military in Greek Politics. From Independence to Democrary. Montreal, New York, and London: Black Rose Books, 1997.


Παπαθανασίου, Θανάση Ν., Ανεστιότητα ϰαι παραπεμπτιϰότητα. Κριτιϰές προσεγγίσεις στα θεολογιϰά δρώμενα. Athens: Armos, 1998.


Πατσαλίδης, Σάββας, (Εν)τάσεις ϰαι (δια)στάσεις: η ελληνιϰή τραγωδία ϰαι η θεωρία του ειϰοστού αιώνα. Athens: Yorgos Dardanos, 1997.


Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, volume 21. University of Birmingham, 1997.
Gramma/Γράμμa. Journal of Theory and Criticism, volume 5. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1997.
Κάμπος. Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek, no 6, 1998.
Mythosphere: A Journal for Image, Myth and Symbol, edited by William G. Doty, volume 1, issue 1. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997. [End Page 208]

