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  • Contributors

Laura Barrett teaches at Florida Atlantic University Honors College and has published articles on photography and hyperreality in Studies in the Novel and Western American Literature, respectively. She is currently working on a manuscript titled Frames of Reference: Fictional Photographs in American Literature.

Since taking his doctorate at Rutgers in 1977, David Cowart has taught at the University of South Carolina, where he is Louise Fry Scudder Professor of English. His articles have appeared in American Literature, Novel, Contemporary Literature, American Imago, and Modern Fiction Studies. He is the author of Thomas Pynchon: The Art of Allusion (1980), Arches and Light: The Fiction of John Gardner (1983), History and the Contemporary Novel (1989), and Literary Symbiosis: The Reconfigured Text in Twentieth-Century Writing (1993). At present he is completing a book on Don DeLillo.

Tim Engles is a teaching fellow in the English department at the University of Georgia. He has published articles in Hitting Critical Mass: A Journal of Asian American Cultural Criticism and the anthology Pluralities of Vision: Collected Essays on the Writing of Tim O’Brien. He co-edited Critical Essays on Don DeLillo and is currently working on the book Invisible Adjectives: Whiteness and Cultural Identity in American Literature and Film.

Jeremy Green, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Colorado, has previously published an essay on the work of Don DeLillo in Essays and Studies. His work in progress addresses the relationship between politics, media, and technology in contemporary American fiction.

Peter Knight, who teaches American Studies at the University of Nottingham, is at work on two projects: a book titled Conspiracy Culture and an edited collection titled Conspiracy Nation.

Philip Nel has published the article “Dada Knows Best: Growing Up ‘Surreal’ with Dr. Seuss” and is currently writing a manuscript titled Aberrations in the Heartland of the Real: A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century America. He teaches at the College of Charleston.

Mark Osteen wrote The Economy of Ulysses: Making Both Ends Meet, edited a critical anthology of Don DeLillo’s White Noise, and co-edited a collection titled The New Economic Criticism. Currently, he is working on a critical study titled American Magic and Dread: Don DeLillo’s Dialogue with Culture. He teaches at Loyola College in Maryland.

Timothy L. Parrish has published essays on Kenneth Burke, Ralph Ellison, Charles Johnson, Toni Morrison, Cormac McCarthy, Flannery O’Connor, and Philip Roth. The title of his book-length work in progress is Walking Blues: Making Americans from Emerson to Elvis. He teaches in the Department of English at the University of North Texas.

A Ph.D. candidate at Washington State University, Ryan Simmons is working on a dissertation titled “Political Authority and Authorship: The Novel of Politics in the U.S., 1874–1996.” His article “Contending Voices in Kathy Acker’s Don Quixote and Jane Smiley’s Moo” is forthcoming in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction.

Joseph S. Walker’s article “When Texts Collide: The Re-Visionist Power of the Margin” appears in Colby Quarterly. He is currently at work on a book on crime as a narrative strategy in contemporary American fiction and film.

Skip Willman, who is a Brittain Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has published an essay in Contemporary Literature and is writing a book that explores conspiracy theory, narratives of the JFK assassination, and the “paranoid” fiction of Don DeLillo and Thomas Pynchon.

