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French Studies: A Quarterly Review 61.1 (2007) 136-139

Books Received
Adamovsky, Ezequiel, Euro-Orientalism: Liberal Ideology and the Image of Russia in France (c.1740–1880). Bern, Peter Lang, 2006. 358 pp. Pb €55.70.
Adams, David and Adrian Armstrong, eds, Print and Power in France and England, 1500-1800. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006. viii+157 pp. Hb £45.00.
Amadis de Gaule. Livre i. Traduction Herberay des Essarts. Édition critique par Michel Bideaux. Paris, Champion, 2006. 709 pp. Hb €63.00.
Ballestra-Puech, Sylvie, Métamorphoses d'Arachné: l'artiste en araignée dans la littérature occidentale. Geneva, Droz, 2006. 460 pp.
Baudry, Robert, 'Le Grand Meaulnes': un roman initiatique. Saint-Genouph, Nizet, 2006. 140 pp. Pb €19.00.
Bonnet, Gilles, Champfleury: écrivain chercheur. Paris, Champion, 2006. 435 pp. Hb €75.00.
Bridel, Yves, Beïda Chikhi, François-Xavier Cuche and Marc Quagghebeur, eds, L'Europe et les francophonies: langue, littérature, histoire, image. Bern, Peter Lang, 2005. 329 pp. Pb £23.70; $40.95; €33.90.
Brophy, Michael and Mary Gallagher, eds., Sens et présence du sujet poétique: la poésie de la France et du monde francophone depuis 1980. Amsterdam — New York, Rodopi, 2006. 368 pp. Pb $96.00; €74.00.
Brucker, Nicolas, Une réception chrétienne des lumières. 'Le Comte de Valmont' de l'Abbé Gérard. Paris, Champion, 2006. 363 pp. Hb €67.00.
Buckley, Matthew S., Tragedy Walks the Streets: The French Revolution in the Making of Modern Drama. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. xi+191 pp. Hb £33.50.
Burgess, Glyn S. and Karen Pratt, The Arthur of the French: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval French and Occitan Literature. Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2006. xii+637 pp. Hb £65.00.
Burrows, Simon, Blackmail, Scandal, and Revolution: London's French libellistes, 1758–92. Manchester University Press, 2006. xv+256 pp. Hb £50.00.
Butcher, William, Jules Verne: The Definitive Biography. New York, Thunder's Mouth Press, 2006. 400 pp. Hb £16.99.
[Calvin, Jean], Trois libelles anonymes. Édités, avec introduction et notes, par Francis Higman et Oliver Millet. Geneva, Droz, 2006. 125 pp.
Caron, Pascal, Faunes: poésie, corps, danse, de Mallarmé à Nijinski. Paris, Champion, 2006. 348 pp. Hb €62.00.
Caws, Mary Ann, Surprised in Translation. Chicago — London, University of Chicago Press, 2006. xi+145 pp. Hb £16.00; $25.00.
Cayley, Emma, Debate and Dialogue: Alain Chartier in his Cultural Context. Oxford University Press, 2006. xi+258 pp. Hb £50.00.
Chai, Leon, Romantic Theory: Forms of Reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. xx+283 pp. Hb £36.50.
Clarke, Desmond M., Descartes's Theory of Mind. Oxford University Press, 2003. viii+267 pp. [End Page 136]
Conley, Katharine and Pierre Taminiaux, Surrealism and Its Others. (Yale French Studies, 109). Yale University Press, 2006. 146 pp. Pb $22.00.
Correspondance de Madame de Graffigny. Tome x. 26 avril 1749–2 juillet 1750. Lettres 1391-1569. Préparé par Marie-Thérèse Infuenaud avec la collaboration de Dorothy P. Arthur, M.-P. Ducretet-Powell, E. Showalter et D. W. Smith. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006. xxviii+638 pp. Hb £90, $175, €140.00.
Cummins, Linda, Debussy and the Fragment. Amsterdam — New York, Rodopi, 2006. 192 pp. Pb $52.00; €40.00.
D'Aubigné, Agrippa, Les Tragiques. Édition critique établie et annotée par Jean-Raymond Fanlo. Paris, Champion, 2006. 1119 pp. Pb €25.00.
Dawson, Robert L., Confiscations at Customs: Banned Books and the French Booktrade during the Last Years of the Ancien Régime. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006. xv+315 pp. Pb £65.00; $120.00; €100.00.
Dayan, Peter, Music Writing Literature: From Sand via Debussy to Derrida. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006. xi+141 pp. Hb £45.00.
De Smet, Ingrid A. R., Thuanus: The Making of Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553–1617). Geneva, Droz, 2006. 347 pp.
Deschaumes, Edmond, Le Pays des nègres blancs: roman. Présentation de Jean-Marie Seillan. Paris, Harmattan, 2006. xxxvi+199 pp. Pb €21.00.
Du Guillet, Pernette, Rymes (1545). Édition...

