In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Jewish Quarterly Review 97.1 (2007) Web Only Content

Dissertations in Jewish Studies
AHEARNE-KROLL, PATRICIA D. (Ph.D. 2005, University of Chicago)
Joseph and Aseneth and Jewish Identity in Greco-Roman Egypt
Adviser: David Schloen
ARNOLD, RUSSELL CORY DEMOLAR (Ph.D. 2005, University of California, Los Angeles)
The Social Role of Liturgy in the Religion of the Qumran Community
Adviser: William M. Schniedewind
ASSIF, MARIA (Ph.D. 2005, Case Western Reserve University)
Mother-Daughter Relationships in Asian and Jewish American Literatures: Story(ing) Identities
Adviser: Judith Oster
BECHHOFER, SHOSHANAH M. (Ph.D. 2005, Northwestern University)
Identity and Educational Mission of Bais Yaakov Schools: The Structuration of an Organizational Field as the Unfolding of Discursive Logics
Adviser: Allan Collins
BECKWITH, BERNARD (Psy.D. 2005, Adler School of Professional Psychology)
Psychological Help-Seeking for Soviet-Jewish Immigrants in Chicago
Adviser: Ian Wickramasekera
BRINK-DANAN, MARCY (Ph.D. 2005, Stanford University)
Reference Points: Text, Context, and Change in Definitions of Turkish-Jewish Identity
Adviser: Carol Delaney
BRODSKY, ADRIANA MARIEL (Ph.D. 2004, Duke University)
The Contours of Identity: Sephardic Jews and the Construction of Jewish Communities in Argentina, 1880 to the Present
Supervisor: Daniel James
BROMBERG, MINNA (Ph.D. 2005, Northwestern University)
When Are the Two One? Interfaith Couples and Identity Construction
Adviser: Wendy J. Espeland
BUTLER, DEIDRE (Ph.D. 2005, Concordia University)
Disturbing Boundaries: Developing Jewish Feminist Ethics with Buber, Levinas, and Fackenheim
Adviser: Michael Oppenheim
BUTLER-SMITH, ALICE (Ph.D. 2005, University of Kansas)
Imitations of Influence: Eisenhower, the Jews, and the Middle East
Adviser: Theodore A. Wilson
CAHN, ELLEN ELISABETH (D.H.L. 2005, Jewish Theological Seminary of America)
When Our Strength Fails Us: Jewish Biomedical Considerations about Dementia
Adviser: Neil Gillman
CIDZIKAITE, DALIA (Ph.D. 2005, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Facing the Other in Lithuanian Prose
Adviser: Violeta Kelertas
CORDEIRO-SIPIN, DEBORA (Ph.D. 2005, Florida State University)
Issues of Identity in the Narratives of Jewish Authors from the Southern-Cone: Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay
Adviser: Peggy Sharpe
COX, RONALD R. (Ph.D. 2005, University of Notre Dame)
By the Same Word: The Intersection of Cosmology and Soteriology in Hellenistic Judaism, Early Christianity, and Gnosticism in the Light of Middle Platonic Intermediary Doctrine
Director: Gregory E. Sterling
DAVIS, CHRISTIAN STUART (Ph.D. 2005, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Colonialism, Anti-Semitism, and Germans of Jewish Descent in Imperial Germany, 1884–1912
Director: Omer Bartov
FINKELSTEIN, EVAN I. (Ph.D. 2005, Maharishi University of Management)
Universal Principles of Life Expressed in Maharishi Vedic Science and in the Scriptures and Writings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Supervisor: Fred Travis
FLEEGLER, ROBERT L. (Ph.D. 2005, Brown University)
A Nation of Immigrants: The Rise of Contributionism in the United States, 1924–1965
Adviser: James Patterson
GECHTMAN, RONI (Ph.D. 2005, New York University)
Yidisher Sotsializm: The Origin and Contexts of the Jewish Labor Bund's National Program
Adviser: David Engel
GORSETMAN, CHAYA R. (Ed.D. 2005, Yeshiva University)
Mentoring Novice Teachers in Selected Modern Orthodox Jewish Day Schools
Adviser: Miriam Grosof
GRACOMBE, SARAH (Ph.D. 2005, Columbia University)
Cultural Englishness and the Homeopathic Dose: Jewishness in the Victorian Novel
Adviser: James Shapiro
HERON, ONNACA (Ph.D. 2005, University of California, Davis)
The Design of Aemilia Lanyer's "Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum"
Adviser: Margaret Ferguson
HOBBS, AMY LAUREL (Ph.D. 2005, University of Maryland, College Park)
The World, Our Home: The Rhetorical Vision of Women's Clubs in American Literature, 1870–1920
Chair: Martha Nell Smith
JACOBS, BENJAMIN MARC (Ph.D. 2005, Columbia University)
The (Trans) Formation of American Jews: Jewish Social Studies in Progressive American Jewish Schools, 1910–1940
Adviser: Stephen J. Thornton
JACOBSON, MAXINE (Ph.D. 2005, Concordia University)
Trends in Modern Orthodoxy as Reflected in the Career of Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung
Adviser: Ira Robinson
JOSLYN-SIEMIATKOSKI, DANIEL E. (Ph.D. 2005, Boston College)
The Maccabean Martyrs in Medieval Christianity and Judaism
Adviser: Ruth Langer
KIM, LLOYD (Ph.D. 2005, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology)
Anti-Semitism, Anti-Judaism, and/or Supersessionism in Hebrews? A Socio-Rhetorical Approach to the Polemical Passages in Hebrews
Adviser: Donald...

