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French Studies: A Quarterly Review 60.4 (2006) 564-568

Books Received
Acquisto, Joseph, French Symbolist Poetry and the Idea of Music. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006. viii+194 pp. Hb £50.00.
Anderson, Wendy J. The Phraseology of Administrative French: A Corpus-based Study. Amsterdam — New York, Rodopi, 2006. vii+289 pp. Hb $78.00; €60.00.
Armstrong, Nigel and Federico M. Federici, Translating Voices, Translating Regions. Rome, Aracne, 2006. 421 pp. Pb €19.00.
Bahier-Porte, Christelle, La Poétique d'Alain-René Lesage. Paris, Champion, 2006. 779 pp. Hb €120.00.
Barberick, Anne L. and Russell Ganim, Modern Perspectives on the Early Modern: Temps recherché, temps retrouvé. Charlottesville, Rookwood Press, 2005. viii+186 pp.
Barnes, David S. The Great Stink of Paris and the Nineteenth-Century Struggle against Filth and Germs. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. xii+314 pp. Hb £35.00.
Benfey, Christopher and Karen Remmler, Artists, Intellectuals, and World War II: The Pontigny Encounters at Mount Holyoke College, 1942–1944. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 2006. xvi+294 pp. Hb $80.00. Pb $24.95.
Berkman, Gisèle, Filiation, origine, fantasme: les voies de l'individuation dans 'Monsieur Nicolas ou le cœur humain dévoilé' de Rétif de la Bretonne. Paris, Champion, 2006. 568 pp. Hb €88.00.
Bowd, Gavin, ed. Le Monde de Houellebecq. University of Glasgow Press, 2006. xvii+286 pp. Pb £20.00.
Cairns, Lucille, Sapphism on Screen: Lesbian Desire in French and Francophone Cinema. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. vii+223 pp. Hb £50.00.
Carroll, Stuart, Blood and Violence in Early Modern France. Oxford University Press, 2006. xiii+369 pp. Hb £60.00.
Cazelles, Brigitte, Soundscape in Early French Literature. Tempe, ACMRS, 2005. vi+186 pp. Hb £32.00; $42.00; €50.00.
Christofferson, Thomas R. with Michael S. Christofferson, France during World War II: From Defeat to Liberation. New York, Fordham University Press, 2006. xvi+254 pp. Hb $75.00. Pb $24.00.
Cowling, David, ed. Conceptions of Europe in Renaissance France: Essays in Honour of Keith Cameron. Amsterdam — New York, Rodopi, 2006. 204 pp. Pb $52.00; €40.00. [End Page 564]
Cropp, Glynnis M. Le Livre de Boece de consolacion. Geneva, Droz, 2006. 480 pp.
Damian-Grint, Peter, Medievalism and 'manière gothique' in Enlightenment France. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2006. viii+400 pp. Pb £65.00; $120.00; €100.00.
Darlow, Mark, ed. Revolutionary Culture: Continuity and Change. University of Nottingham, 2006. iv+116 pp. Pb £20.00; $40.00.
Davis, Oliver, Age Rage and Going Gently: Stories of the Senescent Subject in Twentieth-Century French Writing. Amsterdam — New York, Rodopi, 2006. 225 pp. Pb $59.00; €45.00.
Demonet, Marie-Luce, ed. Les Grands Jours de Rabelais en Poitou. Geneva, Droz, 2006. 447 pp.
Descotes, Dominique, ed. Pascal, auteur spirituel, Paris, Champion, 2006. 537 pp. Hb €75.00.
Ferreyrolles, Gérard, ed. Bossuet: le Verbe et l'Histoire (1704–2004). Paris, Champion, 2006. 431 pp. Hb €70.00.
Flückiger, Jean-Carlo, and Claude Leroy, eds, Blaise Cendrars 6. Sous le signe de Moravagine. Paris, Minard, 2006. 274 pp. Pb €15.00.
Fourcault, Laurent, ed. Jean Giono 8. "Que ma joie demeure" écrire-guérir?. Paris, Minard, 2006. 294 pp. Pb €25.00.
Gassendi, Pierre, Du principe efficient, c'est-à-dire des causes des choses. Syntagma phiosophicum. Physique, section I, Livre 4, ed. by Sylvie Taussig. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006. 244 pp. Pb €45.00.
Gautschi-Lanz, Catherine, Le Roman à table: nourritures et repas imaginaires dans le roman français 1850–1900. Geneva, Slatkine, 2006. 262 pp. Hb €38.00.
Gilmont, Jean-François, Le Livre réformé au XVIe siècle. Paris, BNF, 2005. Pb €22.00.
Gluck, Mary, Popular Bohemia: Modernism and Urban Culture in Ninteenth-Century Paris. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2005. Hb £24.95; $37.50.
Gorceix, Paul, Georges Rodenbach: 1855–1898. Paris, Champion, 2006. 273 pp. Hb €50.00.
Gould, Kevin, Catholic Activism in South-West France: 1540–1570. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006. viii+190 pp. Hb £50.00.
Gramlich-Weinbrenner, Margot, Ionescos Protagonist — der Protagonist Ionesco. Unbequeme Wahrheiten und psychologische Hintergr...

