In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • A Dance of Transition:Martha Graham's Herodiade (1944)
  • Henrietta Bannerman

The following bibliography accompanies the article published in the last issue of Dance Research (24.1):

Barnes, C. (1990). Surprised by joy: Clive Barnes on Martha Graham's season at New York City Centre. Dance and Dancers (489), December, 16-17.
Bentley, E. (1983). Martha Graham's journey. In R. Copeland and M. Cohen (eds.), What is dance? Oxford: Oxford, New York, Toronto, elbourne: University Press, pp. 197-202.
Briner, A. (1971). Paul Hindemith. Zurich - Freiburg: Atlantio/Schott.
Bruhn, S. (2000). Musical ekphrasis: Composers responding to poetry and painting. Pendragon Press: Hillsdale, New York.
Correspondance de Mallarmé (1956). Vol. I (1862-71): recueillie, classée et annotée par Henri Mondor, avec la collaboration de Jean-Pierre Richard, Paris: Gallimard.
Correspondance de Mallarmé (1965-1984). Vols. II-XI (1872-98, 1862-71): recueillie, classée et annotée par Henri Mondor et Lloyd James Austin. Paris: Gallimard.
Croce, A. (1978). She that plays the queen. After-images, London: A. & C. Black, pp. 192-3.
Davies, G. (1959). Les noces d'Hérodiade: Mystère, texte présenté par Gardner Davies. Paris: Gallimard.
Denby, E. (1949). The classic victim. Looking at dance. New York: Pellegrini and Cudalay.
De Mille, A. (1991). Martha - The life and work of Martha Graham. London: Hutchinson.
Fowlie, M. (1953). Mallarmé. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London.
Fowlie, W. (1984). Hérodiade: Myth or heroine? In W. L. McLerdon, L'hénaurme siècle: A miscellany of essays on 19th century French literature. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitäts-Verlag, pp. 167-73.
Graham, M. (1973). The notebooks of Martha Graham: With an introduction by Nancy Wilson Ross. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Graham, M. (1985). Martha Graham reflects on her art and a life in dance. New York Times, 31 March. Retrieved 27 March 2004 from
Graham, M. (1991). Blood memory. New York: Doubleday.
Helpern, A. (1999). The dance theater pieces of the 1940s: A conversation with Jean Erdman and Erick Hawkins. Choreography and Dance, 5 (part 2), 33-40.
Horosko, M. (2002). Martha Graham: The evolution of her dance theory and training (revised edition). Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Killick, R. (1998). Dis/Re/Membering the master: Valéry's Écrits divers sur Stéphane Mallarmé. In M. Temple (ed.), Meetings with Mallarmé. Exeter, Devon: University of Exeter Press, pp. 24-45.
Kisselgoff, A. (1984). For Martha Graham, change is still the only constant. Retrieved 21 March 2004 from
Kristeva, J. (1984). Revolution in poetic language with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez. New York: Columbia University Press.
Lloyd, M. (1947). The Borzoi book of modern dance. New York: Knopf. [End Page 163]
Madden, D. (1996). You call me Louis not Mr. Horst. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Mallarmé, S. (1899). Hérodiade: Scène. In Poésies complètes: Frontispiece de F. Props. Brussels: Edmund Deman Libraire, pp.51-62.
McDonagh, D. (1974). Martha Graham - A biography. London: David and Charles.
Millan, G. (1994). Mallarmé: A throw of the dice - The life of Stéphane allarmé. London: Secker and Warburg.
Moi, T. (ed.) (1986). The Kristeva reader. New York: Columbia University Press.
Sabin, R. (1944). Dance at the Coolidge Festival. Dance Observer, 11 (10), 120-1.
Sears, D. (1982). Graham masterworks in revival: Hérodiade. Ballet Review, 27-31.
Shirley, W. D. (1999). For Martha. Ballet Review, 27 (4), 65-95.
Skelton, G. (1975). Paul Hindemith: The man and his music. Crescendo.
Skelton, G. (1995). Selected letters of Paul Hindemith. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Stodelle, E. (1984). Deep song: The dance story of Martha Graham. New York: Schirmer Books.
Taper, B. (1984). Balanchine: A biography. New York: The Times Book Company.
The Holy Bible: New international version. London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton (1980).
Thomas, H. (1995). Dance, modernity and culture: Explorations in the sociology of dance. London and New York: Routledge.
Tracy, R. (1986). Noguchi: Collaboration with Graham. Ballet Review, 13 (4), 11-15.
Tufail, B. (1998). Drosphila Ludens: Oulipian designs on Mallarmé. In M. Temple (ed.), Meetings with Mallarmé. Exeter...

