In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Mark Darlow
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. By Raymond Trousson . Paris, Tallandier, 2003. 850 pp. Pb €27.00.

Although it is not stated, this is a one-volume reprint of Trousson's biography, first published by Tallandier in two volumes in 1988 and 1989 respectively. The original titles of the two volumes (La Marche à la gloire, and Le Deuil éclatant du bonheur) form the two 'parties' of this reprint. Although this is not made explicit by any preface or mention of a reprint or second edition, the current work corrects odd errors — mainly typographical from the original, updates the bibliography, and makes brief reference to some of these new works; otherwise the work remains relatively unchanged. There is no need to repeat comments previously made by David Williams (see FS, XLIV, 65–66; XLV, 209–10), except to say, for the benefit of readers unfamiliar with the original version, that this biography, aimed not at a specialist but at a general and student readership, can be recommended as a lively and well-written guide, including up-to-date bibliography of the most important studies of various aspects of Rousseau and his œuvre, and whose presentation is as attractive as its subject is intriguing.

Mark Darlow
Tuniversity Of Nottingham

