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  • Contributors

Mark A. Raider is Professor of Jewish History, the incumbent of The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati Endowed Chair in Judaic Studies, and head of the Department of Judaic Studies at the University of Cincinnati. His recent publications include American Jewish Women and the Zionist Enterprise, with Shulamit Reinharz. He is also the editor of the forthcoming Nahum Goldmann: Statesman Without a State.

Marc Lee Raphael is the Nathan and Sophia Gumenick Professor of Judaic Studies, Professor of Religious Studies, and chairperson of the Department of Religious Studies at the College of William and Mary and Rabbi of Congregation Bet Aviv in Columbia, Maryland. His latest book, a co-edited collection of essays and sermons on Jews, Judaism, and baseball, is entitled What Is Jewish About America's "Favorite Pastime"?

Erica Simmons is Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Toronto. She is the author of Hadassah and the Zionist Project.


Rebecca Alpert is Associate Professor of Religion and Women's Studies at Temple University. She is currently at work on a project on Jews, race, and baseball.

Dianne Ashton is Professor of Religion and Director of the American Studies Program at Rowan University. Her most recent book is Rebecca Gratz: Women and Judaism in Antebellum America (1997).

Adriana M. Brodsky is Assistant Professor of History at St. Mary's College of Maryland. Her doctoral dissertation studied Sephardic communities in Argentina, from 1880 to the present.

Steven J. Gold is Professor of Sociology at Michigan State University. He is author of Ethnic Economies (with Ivan Light, 2000) and The Israeli Diaspora (2002).

Shalom Goldman is Associate Professor of Hebrew and Middle Eastern Studies at Emory University. His most recent book is God's Sacred Tongue: Hebrew and the American Imagination (2004).

Andrea Greenbaum is Associate Professor and Director of Professional Writing at Barry University. Her most recent book is Jews of South Florida (2005), and she is currently co-editing Jewish Rhetoric in Composition Studies.


