In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • F. G. L.
  • Gastón Baquero (bio)

Paz. La muerte se ha sentado por caminos de acero sobre un pecho. Comienza a amanecer, ábrese el lecho donde muestra un espejo lo soñado. Ahora el vivir se extiende convocado hacia inmedible campo, hacia el trecho más claro de su ser; va sin acecho derramando silencio iluminado. Ya comienza a entender… Bebe el aroma de una nieve que alberga, de una playa por cuyo suelo nunca el toro asoma. Soñadle puesto en Dios. Soñad que estalla risa y verso y pasión; soñadle aroma que en lumbres canta la invisible playa.

Gastón Baquero

Gastón Baquero (1916–1997) was born in Banes, which is now part of the province of Holguin in Cuba. In spite of the rural poverty in which he was born and reared, he was educated as an agronomist before becoming a journalist and poet. Shortly after the Cuban Revolution began, he left the island nation for Spain, where he lived until his death in Madrid in 1997, having published several collections of essays, as well as eight volumes of poems. The Angel of Rain, a selection of his poetry in English translation by Greg Simon and Steven F. White, will be published this summer by Eastern Washington University Press.

"F. G. L." is reprinted with permission from Poesía completa, published in 1998 by Verbum.


