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  • Contributors

Galen Brokaw is Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He specializes primarily in colonial historiography and indigenous writing. He has published articles on Alejo Carpentier, indigenous Mexican pictography, Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, and the Andean khipu.

Bruce-Novoa teaches Mexican and U.S.-Latino literatures and cultures at the University of California, Irvine. He pioneered the study of the Ruptura generation with his dissertation on Juan García Ponce (1974). Author of numerous studies on Mexican Mid-Century, he was invited to teach the subject at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in 2003 and the Universidad Veracruzana in 2005. He is a translator of books, essays, and stories by García Ponce, including The House on the Beach, with Margarita Vargas, and Entry into Matter, with David J. Parent. Currently he is translating Errancy sin fin. His novel in press, Women Proof, is a fictional translocation of García Ponce’s El libro. [End Page 277]

Puspa Damai teaches at the Central Department of English, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. He currently is seeking his Ph.D. in English at the University of Michigan.

Carl Good is Assistant Professor of Spanish at Indiana University, Bloomington. He specializes in Latin American literature (especially poetry) and the theory of literature. He is currently writing a book on fragmentary aesthetics in Latin American poetry.

Adriana Michèle Campos Johnson is Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine. She is currently finishing a manuscript comparing the relationship between literature and the state in Brazil and Paraguay. She has recently published “Subalternizing Canudos” in Modern Language Notes and “The War of the End of the World or the End of Ideology” in the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. She has also translated Ticio Escobar’s The Curse of Nemur: On the Art, Myth and Rituals of the Ishir Peoples of the Paraguayan Great Chaco, forthcoming from Pittsburgh University Press.

Esteban Loustaunau is Associate Professor of Spanish at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. He teaches courses on contemporary Latin American literature and culture. He has published essays on Mexican literature and Latin American cultural studies in journals such as Revista Iberoamericana and in books such as Las ciudades latinoamericanas en el nuevo (des)orden mundial (Siglo XXI, 2004) and Cánones literarios masculinos y relecturas transculturales. Lo trans-femenino/masculino/queer (Anthropos, 2001).

Ana M. Luszczynska is Assistant Professor of English at Florida International University in Miami and teaches courses in literary theory, African-American literature, and U.S. Latino literature. She is presently working on a study of community as event in the works of Toni Morrison and Ana Menendez. [End Page 278]

Raúl Rodríguez-Hernández teaches Spanish and comparative literature in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Rochester. He is the author of Mexico’s Ruins: Juan García Ponce and the Writing of Modernity (forthcoming, SUNY Press). He has published on Hispanic literatures and cultures, including postmodern fiction, cinema, alterity and the arts, and European philosophical traditions represented in Latin American texts.

Margarita Vargas is Associate Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the State University of New York at Buffalo where she teaches Latin American theater, the Latin American novel, Mexican literature, and feminist theory. She is the cotranslator, with Teresa Salas, of Women Writing Women (SUNY, 1997) and coeditor, with Catherine Larson, of Latin American Women Dramatists (Indiana, 1998). She is currently completing a book on Latin American theater and feminism.

Stephenie Young is Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant. She has published articles and reviews about Latin American literature in journals including La Torre and The Journal of Caribbean Studies and an essay on Bosnian womens’ testimony in Between the Psyche and the Polis: Refiguring History in Literature and Theory. She is currently working on a book about testimonial writing and transitional politics in Chile. [End Page 279]


