In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Publications of Note

Place and Dream: Japan and the Virtual. By Thorsten Botz-Bornstein. Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2004. 216 pages. e45.00. This book deals with space in the traditional Japanese sense (especially in Nishida Kitarō's notion of "place") and on a second level the author calls "the virtual." Ideas of "the virtual" (found, for example, in works by Kuki Shūzō and Kimura Bin) "aim to transcend a flat notion of 'reality' by developing 'the virtual' as a complex ontological unity." "The traditional 'Japanese virtual' is entirely different from what in contemporary culture is commonly named 'Virtual Reality'" (p. 9).

Le riz dans la culture de Heian, mythe et réalité. By Charlotte von Verschuer. Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Japonaises, Paris, 2003. 409 pages. While rice has been the primary taxed agricultural commodity in Japan, this author asserts that agricultural is not synonymous with rice in either Japan or other Asian countries. Von Verschuer emphasizes agriculture that includes foods collected in uncultivated spaces. The book concludes with a list of plants eaten and used during the Heian period.

Place and Dream: Japan and the Virtual. By Thorsten Botz-Bornstein. Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2004. 216 pages. €45.00.

This book deals with space in the traditional Japanese sense (especially in Nishida Kitarō's notion of "place") and on a second level the author calls "the virtual." Ideas of "the virtual" (found, for example, in works by Kuki Shu¯zō and Kimura Bin) "aim to transcend a flat notion of 'reality' by developing 'the virtual' as a complex ontological unity." "The traditional 'Japanese virtual' is entirely different from what in contemporary culture is commonly named 'Virtual Reality'" (p. 9).

Le riz dans la culture de Heian, mythe et réalité. By Charlotte von Verschuer. Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Japonaises, Paris, 2003. 409 pages.

While rice has been the primary taxed agricultural commodity in Japan, this author asserts that agricultural is not synonymous with rice in either Japan or other Asian countries. Von Verschuer emphasizes agriculture that includes foods collected in uncultivated spaces. The book concludes with a list of plants eaten and used during the Heian period.


