In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Canadian Journal on Aging La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement
Volume 23 No. 1 Spring/printemps 2004 volume 23 no 1

Editorial/Éditorial 1
Characteristics of Family/Friend Care Networks of Frail Seniors
Janet Fast, Norah Keating, Pam Otfinowski, and Linda Derksen 5
The Role of Ethnicity and Religion in the Social Support System of Older Dutch Canadians
Joanne van Dijk 21
Les soins de longue durée aux personnes âgées : Choix d'un système clinico-administratif dans le contexte d'un réseau de soins intégrés
Nicole Dubuc, Réjean Hébert, Johanne Desrosiers et Martin Buteau 35
Who Wants to Be Involved? Decision-Making Preferences among Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities
Laura M. Funk 47
La participation à l'aide et aux soins des conjoints et des enfants auprès de personnes âgées nouvellement hébergées en centre d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée
Aline Vézina et Daniel Pelletier 59
Mid-Life Patterns and the Residential Mobility of Older Men
Lynda M. Hayward 73
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Gail M. Williamson, David R. Schaffer, and Patricia A. Parmelee (Eds.). Physical Illness and Depression in Older Adults: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Plenum, 2000.
Reviewed by Philippe Cappeliez and Vicky Rivard 91
Michèle Charpentier. Priver ou privatiser la vieillesse ? Entre le domicile à tout prix et le placement à aucun prix. Sainte-Foy, QC : Presses de l Université du Québec, 2002.
Recension par Jean-Pierre Lavoie 93
Phyllis Braudy Harris (Ed.). The Person with Alzheimer Disease: Pathways to Understanding the Experience. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Reviewed by Christine Jonas-Simpson 94
Reviewers / Liste des arbitres 2003 97
Call for Nominations / Appel de candidatures 104

[End Page 381]

Volume 23 No. 2 Summer/été 2004 volume 23 no 2
Special Issue/Numéro special
Social Isolation and Loneliness/Isolement social et solitude

Editorial/Éditorial 107
Cross-national Comparisons of Social Isolation and Loneliness: Introduction and Overview
Jenny de Jong Gierveld and Betty Havens 109
Changes in Levels of Social Isolation and Loneliness among Older People in a Rural Area: A Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study
G. Clare Wenger and Vanessa Burholt 115
Social Isolation and Loneliness: Differences between Older Rural and Urban Manitobans
Betty Havens, Madelyn Hall, Gina Sylvestre, and Tyler Jivan 129
Gender and Marital-History Differences in Emotional and Social Loneliness among Dutch Older Adults
Pearl A. Dykstra and Jenny de Jong Gierveld 141
Old Age and Loneliness: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Analyses in the Tampere Longitudinal Study on Aging
Marja Jylhä 157
Loneliness among Older Adults in the Netherlands, Italy, and Canada: A Multifaceted Comparison
Theo van Tilburg, Betty Havens, and Jenny de Jong Gierveld 169
European and Canadian Studies of Loneliness among Seniors
Daniel Perlman 181
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
J.M. Humber and R.F. Almeder (Eds.). Biomedical Ethics Reviews: Care of the Aged. Totawa, NJ: Humana Press, 2003.
Reviewed by David C. Malloy. 189
G. Pérodeau and D. Côté. Le virage ambulatoire : Défis et enjeux. Sainte-Foy, QC : Presses de l'Université de Québec
Recension par Aline Vézina 191
J.D. Webster and B.K. Haight (Eds.). Critical Advances in Reminiscence Work: From Theory to Application. New York: Springer, 2002.
Reviewed by Habib Chaudhury 193
Call for Nominations / Appel de candidatures

[End Page 382]

Volume 23 No. 3 Fall/automne 2004 volume 23 no 3

"Doing Ethics" in the Context of Sharing Patients' Personal Health Information
Margaret A. Somerville 197
To Tell or Not To Tell? Professional and Lay Perspectives on the Disclosure of Personal Health Information in Community-Based Dementia Care
S. Tracy, N. Drummond, L. Ferris, J. Globerman, P. Hébert, D. Pringle, and C. Cohen 203
Geriatric Day Hospital: Who Improves the Most?
J. Desrosiers, R. Hébert, H. Payette, P. M. Roy, M. Tousignant, S. Côté, and L. Trottier 217
Quasi-experimental Study of the Effectiveness of an Integrated Service Delivery Network for the Frail Elderly
A. Tourigny, P...

