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  • Other Dimensions in Music, Ghostcatching
  • Fred Moten

what if the bottom cut and scratch? it's some work going on. every sound is a small action and broke world. in a red cap and red shoes for a little bit. he was a old man, Laura said, but he was a spo'ty old man. I follow the arrow; he get happy you make me fluid when I look down to you leave me fluid when you put work in my ear, seven angles square, shake like after practice lift up my slow seizure. somebody hand curve around you got happy and take your time by the end of the evening and move something sanctified limp wrist and chop but now what if the loop end and that lowrunning pause. every position is a sexual position. vapor and charcoal, muscular ribbon, confinement broke out, I looked down, hand through box and bar, however many minutes waiting for


