In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • To Our Readers

Ronald Paulson's name first appears on the SEL masthead in the Autumn 1966 issue, during the period of time (1964-1968) when he was a member of the Rice English Department. He clearly was a willing recruit, for the following summer he published the first of an unprecedented three review essays for us (1967, 1976, 1983). And when he left Rice for the East, he continued to serve the journal, while writing a succession of peerless books on eighteenth-century visual and verbal culture. Even during his tenure as editor of ELH he remained an active participant in SEL affairs, advising about essays and reviewers and potential Board members. Less than a year ago, on the verge of publishing another book—reviewed in this number—he asked to retire. We persuaded him to remain a few months longer, so that, in the Summer issue to which he made such extraordinary contributions, we could sincerely, if inadequately, thank him. We will sorely miss his breadth and depth of knowledge, his decisive judgments, and his loyal service.


