In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Association AffairsPacific Science Association

Introducing the New PSA Executive Secretary

In March 2004, John Burke Burnett took over the running of the Association. Burke, as he likes to be called, has a focus on the interface between conservation policy and biological science. He has had experience in designing and implementing field-level conservation projects, regional conservation priority-setting exercises, and biological and social/anthropological field surveys. His degrees are in international relations and political economy with experience in ecology and anthropology. Burke's field experience is primarily in East Asia and the Pacific with particular emphasis in eastern Indonesia and New Guinea. He co-founded the Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance in 1998 and will remain its Executive Director. Between 1995 and 1998, he was Special Projects Coordinator and Japan Coordinator for Conservation International's Asia-Pacific Program. He has a good conversational and reading knowledge of Indonesian/ Malaysian and Japanese languages.

The former Executive Secretary, L. G. Eldredge, is pursuing his interests in marine introduced species and Pacific regional information at the Bishop Museum.

World Heritage Project

UNESCO and the Bishop Museum convened a "feasibility" workshop for the Central Pacific Pilot World Heritage Project from June 2-6, 2003 in Honolulu to review the natural and cultural features of various proposed atolls and islands; to discuss practical and economic considerations for long-term management of remote, transboundary island areas of several countries; and to agree on a set of provisional sites and actions to further develop the project. Twenty-seven participants from Cook Islands, Kiribati, U.S.A., UNESCO, SPREP, IUCN, the Bishop Museum, and The Nature Conservancy contributed as government and culture-natural experts with knowledge about or jurisdiction over the island and marine sites. The participants proposed the following islands to advance the initiative: Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, Jarvis Island, Howland Island, Baker Island, Rose Atoll, and Swains Island (U.S.A.); Malden Island, Flint Island, Millennium Atoll, and with wildlife islets of Kiritimati Atoll (Kiribati); and Suwarrow Atoll, Takutea Island and Atiu Island (Cook Islands). In addition several islands from French Polynesia were under review. [End Page 499]

Membership Application

I/We wish to enroll in the Pacific Science Association in the following membership category:

  • □ Associate scientific institution (US$50)

  • □ Corporate associate (US$100)

  • □ Individual associate (US$40)


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

  • □ Enclosed is a

  • □ check □ money order in U.S. funds, payable to Pacific Science Association.

  • □ Please charge my

  • □ Visa □ Mastercard

Card number:________________________________________ Expiration date:______________


Today's date: ____________________________________________________________________

Return to Pacific Science Association, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817, USA. [End Page 500]

Executive Board


Prof. Kr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa
VP, Science Council of Japan
Tokyo, Japan


Dr. Mahendra Kumar
University of the South Pacific
Suva, Fiji


Dr. Nancy Davis Lewis
Director, Research Program
East-West Center
Honolulu, Hawa'i


Dr. R. Gerard Ward
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia


Prof. Chang-Hung Chou
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Taiwan, China

Academician George B. Elyakov
Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
Vladivostok, Russia

Prof. Congbin Fu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China

Dr. Sung-Chick Hong
Asian Social Science Research Institute
Seoul, Korea


John Burke Burnett
Pacific Science Association
Honolulu, Hawai'i

Pacific Science Association Membership Information

The Pacific Science Association is a regional, nongovernmental scientific organization founded in 1920. The objectives of the association are to advance science and technology in the Pacific region by increasing interdisciplinary collaboration; to build capacity in science and technology; to encourage science for public policy and the common good; and to promote the "science of the Pacific" and Pacific Island involvement in regional and international scientific activities. Scientific committees have been long established to study and to seek solutions for important problems of Pacific interest. Scientific task forces have been established to explore interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary areas identified as relevant.

Regular members of the association are adhering organizations...

